Doctor Strange - Ready Allies to Cycle Invocation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Doctor Strange - Fellowship of the Strange 0 0 0 4.0
Doctor Strange - Fellowship of the Strange 0 0 0 5.0

Batho · 15

Invocation cards are strong so the point of this deck is to leverage your allies in order to maximize the use of cycling and using your invocation powers. Earth's Mightiest Heroes allows you to exhaust an Avenger ally and ready Doctor Strange. This ability combined with Cloak of Levitation and Wong's special ability allows you to either cycle your invocation deck or cast from it multiple times a turn. Putting Sky Cycle on Wong or using Get Ready / Inspiring Presence on him adds greater flexibility to cycle your invocation deck or to heal Doctor Strange. Alternatively you can use these ally readying cards on Goliath / Vision to have monster turns.

I initially had Strength In Numbers in the deck, but I found that I did not need it with the ability to cycle my invocation deck allowing for frequent use of Winds of Watoomb. Furthermore, you can easily remove Helicarrier, Team Training, and The Sorcerer Supreme to add the third copy of Get Ready, Inspiring Presence, and Sky Cycle or to add additional allies. Avengers Tower was excluded due to the fact that Wong is not an Avenger and he should be in play most of the time.


Sep 20, 2020 HeyMaxxou · 22

Wong is not an avenger unfortunately, you would need Honorary Avenger for the Sky Cycle combo.