Dynamic Fun Spider-Man deck [Defeats Expert Venom Goblin]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gwenismywaifu · 7

Spider-Man is a powerful hero(I think he is S-A tier.), but Spider-Man's play is really boring. (Spider-Man leaned so heavily into Protection and defensive play being his natural home) so I wanted to make his play dynamic and fun.

So I played a lot of Spider-Man decks and finally found the Spider-Man deck I was looking for.

Here's the Amazing Fun Spider-Man deck!

I have defeated Expert Venom Goblin many times with this deck.

Basic Strategy

core build set-up

Play Spider-Man's upgrades and supports quickly.

With the exception of Ghost-Spider and Spider-Man, allies are all cheap, so you can play them often.

And you can use your allies to solve thwart issues and block villains attacks. Use the Ghost-Spider to block villains attacks and bring the necessary event cards to your hand. SP//dr gives you a card and +1 atk every turn with Web of Life and Destiny and Warrior of the Great Web Ready.

Use Swinging Web Kick and Webbed Up often.

Cards in this deck allow you to draw a lot of cards(Strength In Numbers). and Draw power allows you to get your hands on Swinging Web Kick and Webbed Up more often.

Band Together, Quincarrier and Ingenuity allow you to use Swinging Web Kick and Webbed Up for cheap!

Play Fun!

I can't say that this is the most powerful Spider-Man deck, but I can assure you that it is the most FUN and powerful Spider-Man deck.

If you have any questions about this deck, please feel free to ask.

This deck is inspired by Web-Warrior Fanatic's Grey Spider and StayOnTheLeader's Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends.