Spider-Man Loses His Temper (Remix)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MacGhille · 232

This deck was originally created because my very bestest friend in a Discord channel mentioned disliking the Spider-Man meta at the time (Black Cat recursive, He Protecc, Voltron YonCat) and wanted to play a more 'fun' Spidey. I chose to interpret that as 'in your face' Spidey.

That was more than two years ago.

A lot has happened in the Champions space in that time, and this is one of those decks I felt could benefit from a modern upgrade.

If there is a central goal of the deck, it is getting resource generators into play. With any two of the permanent resources (Ingenuity, Quincarrier or Martial Prowess) on the table, you can play Clobber every single turn for free and get it back in hand ad infinitum.

In my previous build, Clobber was the jab, and a basic attack enhanced by Combat Training and Godslayer was the straight. But the Nova pack introduced us to Honed Technique, which made Clobber even more powerful.

Then you add in Fluid Motion, and the combo becomes: Clobber for 5, trigger Fluid Motion and attack for 4, then trigger Godslayer for 2 more. That’s 11 damage every turn without losing a single card in your hand.

In the late-game, with permanents all out, you can add to that 11 point hit with another attack event or even a Swinging Web Kick, easily dishing 18-22 points in a single round.

At that point, you are mostly going to be drawing attack events and allies. Which is why Plan of Attack is so useful, helping make sure you always have one additional attack event to play each turn.

There are no double resources because Spidey is a huge resource generator, and I felt a range of attack options was preferable to more resources in the late game. Besides, two The Power of Aggression pretty much functions the same, since more than half of the deck are aggression cards. They’re even better in the late game, when you need to feed Honed Technique or Drop Kick specific types of resources.

This deck is pretty weak against Toughness, by which I mean you will probably have to waste an attack event to clear it. That’s probably going to be a job for Black Cat, so maybe don’t lose her if you’re up against a lot of Tough statuses. Otherwise you’ll just have to accept that you’re going to waste some damage. You could swap in a Brute Force, but since this deck relies so heavily on Spidey doing his basic attack regularly, it’s a waste of effort to try and time a Brute Force properly.

Minions can be a minor issue if they get too deep or too strong. The more time you waste hitting something other than the villain, the harder it gets to stay ahead. Spidey can heal pretty decent with Aunt May, but a scheming villain is a problem.

The absolute weakest point of this deck is thwarting…mostly because it doesn’t. I will confess, I rarely play true solo, so I would probably pair this deck with my Justice Venom or Ms. Marvel. Possibly my Protection Ghost-Spider. But without someone assisting with side schemes, this Spidey will struggle with any villain that schemes quickly.

However, there are some options if you’re going true solo.

First you need to know that Clobber is the only attack event I would not swap out for any reason. Drop Kick and Plan of Attack are also high priorities, though I would be willing to lose Drop Kick to keep PoA. So given that latitude, there are a few options on the table to adapt to a different approach. You can swap in Moment of Triumph in case you want to abuse minions in order to heal. Or Smash the Problem for a little threat removal. You could also toss in some The Direct Approach, which are great but can’t affect the main scheme. For the most part, this Spidey needs to stay in Hero as much as possible and dole out the punches. Another hero Protecting him from damage or Thwarting when he flips down is probably the best solution.

The cost curve is pretty reasonable, especially with Spidey's generators, which makes them a high priority. You want to focus on -and maybe mulligan for- Ingenuity and Honed Technique. These are the crux of the strategy as, without Ingenuity or Quincarrier, you may have a hard time feeding Honed Technique. Fill in with generators as they appear, but once you have a Clobber, hold onto it.