Another Deadpool Rush Deck - Weapon focused

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BlackDaz83 · 20

A first test to make a rush deck focused on the use of weapons to go along side the combo of Maximum Effort and This Card is Fire.

Other cards to help max This Card is Fire would be the Symbiote Suit , Endurance, and Toe to Toe.

Hulk and Wolverine would just be useful to do that extra damage between Maximum Effort or to help removing anything that would stand in the way of damaging the villain.

Locked and Loaded, Plan of Attack, Mutant Education and of course Wilson own ability would help tutoring getting what is needed at the right time.

Finally, Hand Cannon would be a perfect card to cover in case one or mora katanas are not out yet or simpy to get some overkill. Since at least one weapon should be out at all time to help with the damage output and to max the use of Mean Swing, i chose a more easy to complete Locked and Loaded to a meatier and versatile Specialized Training.

I am unsure if there is a need for a Side Holster to help with the weapon count or, since this is rush-focused, it would be redundant.

Also swapping a The Power of Aggressionwith a Moira MacTaggertcould help the overall economy since Wade will swap often between his two forms, but it would be more focused on the late game.

And I wouldn't mind swapping Wolverine for Venom Blast for extra burst damage