Smash the Problem!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

syamealOne · 62

This is a classic take on She-Hulk/ Jennifer Walters although with new cards included.

Handling Threat: Oh no, there are problematic side scheme! No worries, The Direct Approach will handle it. Oh no, the main scheme will advance! Keep Them Busy and Spider-Man will take care of it while you punch the villain face.

Building Up — ummm sorry, I think you mean working out. Don't be afraid to flip down to have a +2 handsize and gain access to your Superhuman Law Division. Play Avengers Mansion early, Quincarrier as cheaper alternative, Focused Rage for alternative to your alternative and never underestimate the power of Symbiote Suit. You can tank whatever the villain throw at you (as long as it not Advance).

Winning: Punch pesky Side Scheme with your enhanced attack from your multiple choices of upgrades, Punch the villain multiple time with your fist, and Gamma Slam after ignoring all the Assault and minions that the villain throw for game.

Reminder: 1) If going against Stalwart villain, Stunned Villain, or small HP minions, your Superhuman Strength does not discard if you cannot perform the second arrow (use Critical Hit to set it up). 2) When playing Side Scheme on Alter Ego, remember to Object it with Jennifer Walters.

Customization: You can swap 2 copies of Critical Hit for cards like Psylocke or anything as they are the least useful card in the deck.


Jan 09, 2024 Alphabeta · 26

Great deck! Why the she-hulk ally?