CAP's Still my Favorite

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

fluffyseaotter · 50

I love Captain America, (even after falling in love with Spiderman as a kid), he's my favorite to this day. I don't have a lot of current newer cards, but a lot of leadership from War Machine and other packs now.

This deck is made around the Avengers trait, utilizing mainly Team Training and Mighty Avengers to make cheaper allies that cost 2-ish resources much more effective, and keep Cap safe enough to be effective thwarting/attacking with his readying ability. Keep in mind that this deck can still function even without any supports in play, but peaks and shifts the game in your favor when you get them out. I recently played expert Hood with this deck and won without Might Avengers in play for about half the game before getting it out.

I had some debate on who to bring since my collection is a bit limited, but from experience, I chose Squirrel Girl, (yes, I know it's ridiculous). She's a valid contestant in that she's a cheap ally, whose enter play ability softens up tough statuses and helps out with minions greatly. I also chose the Kate Bishop Hawkeye, whose ability I hardly ever use, but is still cheap, and has a nice 2 attack for quick damage, and 3 with the stat buff. Wonder Man was a bit of a push with his attack requiring him to discard a card, but with +1 thwart, he has 3 hit points that makes him effective at threat removal for a cost of two. Blade works well with Cap, mainly with both copies of Super-Soldier Serum in play. His 2 attack can become a 3 attack with Mighty Avengers, for only 1 resource, making him lethal. I like the 4-Cost allies from War Machine and other packs, but the cheaper allies keep things moving efficiently and effectively with this deck.

Though, the one error with the allies is Agent 13, who doesn't have the avenger trait. At times when I have both Avengers Tower and Mighty Avengers, she can be a big pain in the butt if you lose the +1 ally limit and +1 stat buff. However, she's still does great in early to mid-game when you don't have those supports out, and can also be used when both of those supports are in play. (Ex: After using your other allies' basic powers with the +1 buff, play her to remove a bunch of threat. Then, just use her as a chump blocker to get her off the board to continue the avenger's synergy.) I guess you could throw in a copy or two of Honorary Avenger to give her the trait, and minus well give other allies +1 hit point. Yet, it isn't necessary to function.

Event-wise, I've found that bringing two copies of Get Ready and Make the Call allows to balance out the deck more, since I always don't end up using them in my hand each time I have them, (though they are arguably the best leadership cards in the game still). Ready for Action is a good card to use not just to preserve ally health, but helps Cap out in a pinch with enemy attacks. Yes, he has a 3 Defense, but using his basic powers twice in a turn can be handy in tough situations, and keeps him healthy.

I struggled to decide what resources to bring, and decided on Innovation as a good card to heal allies quickly, and only one copy of Band Together which can reasonably generate two resources consistently with enough ally play. Though, it sadly it doesn't work with Kate Bishop's Hawkeye's ability, again limited. I even dropped one of the basic double-resource cards for another copy of Band Together for some scenarios, (like Klaw or Crossbones), to get rid of villain attachments more easily.

That's just about the sum of my deck; I hope to make more in the future, though again I have a limited collection, but still have a love for the game in what it's worth. I'm looking for more leadership decks with Iron-Man, War-Machine and Ant-Man, and hope this gives a good start to what's to come.