Higher, Further, Faster, Mutants!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

flakbait42 · 21

I love crossover team-ups, so Captain Marvel and the X-Men seemed like a good one to try. Beast and Spider-Woman are both excellent candidates for Med Lab, and Sunspot loves all the energy in this deck. On particularly satisfying turns, you'll get to put Beast down (or retrieve him from Med Lab), retrieve an Energy Absorption, then drop Professor X or Spider-Woman for a confuse or Sunspot to wreck house on a bunch of minions. Command Team is great for getting an extra use out of Professor X or getting Beast into the Med Lab faster.

This deck is all about flexibility. There are multiple ways to stun and confuse, and is good at steadily controlling the board until it can dish out bursts of damage.

Get Captain Marvel's Helmet and Cosmic Flight on, and use her to block, tank, and heal while the allies do their thing and you build up Energy Channel for the big hits.

There are a ton of resources in this deck, but there's also a ton of card draw and there's usually a way to use resources even without a card to spend them on, so it's rarely a problem to have a lot of resources in hand.

I've handled almost all the standard campaigns with this deck without too much trouble. Infiltrate the Museum was tricky, and Magneto, Hela, and Ronan took two tries each. I haven't gotten around to the Spider-person campaign yet.

Edit: I find I'm using the Reinforced Suit very rarely, usually just as a way to trigger Rechannel or spending it as a resource, so I'm considering swapping it out for Emergency simply for a different energy card that might be helpful for controlling the scheme a bit more.