Spider-Woman - Lead/Prot - All Out!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Paging Captain Danvers - Spider-Woman (Undefeated on Expert) 119 88 11 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

jeeber4ever · 1

This deck takes advantage of Spider-Woman's ability to ramp up all her stats by playing aspect cards, by focusing primarily on Go All Out and Push Ahead, which can deliver massive attacks/thwarting. Assuming two aspect cards have been played, there is a minimum of 9 for each card. Considering the additional bonus for an attack would then be 6 for 3 ER, that gives a 2 for 1 ROI which is comparable to hero specific cards. On the occasional 3 or 4 aspect card plays, even better. For thwarting, that's 6 thwart for 4 ER, 3 for 2 which is also comparable to hero specific cards. For solo play, Push Ahead is probably overkill as you would rarely need to thwart for 9, but it shines in multiplayer.

The rest of the deck is focused on playable aspect cards. We want cards that will cycle so we can play them again to get the aspect boost, so there is an emphasis on cards with Use counters (The Night Nurse, Energy Barrier, Indomitable. We want to be able to heal her so she doesn't need to go into alter-ego as often (What Doesn't Kill Me), which compliments Contaminant Immunity. We also want to be able to ready Spider-Woman so she can defend and then use her basic ability again for Go All Out or Push Ahead, so in addition to Self-Propelled Glide, we have Indomitable.

She's designed to be able to defend, so Armored Vest is there for the bonus to Def, which will also help with Go All Out and Push Ahead. Electrostatic Armor is there to add damage.

If you're using player side schemes, Render Medical Aid could be a good choice to replace Electrostatic Armor, as it will heal on defeat, and also cycle back into the deck.

The allies are selected to help with card draw (Kaluu, Maria Hill and White Tiger). Ant-Man and Squirrel Girl for low cost, easy to play extras. That leaves Captain Marvel as the only 4 cost hero. She is not featured in this deck but she will be good for the extra card draws.

The fun of this deck is to deliver those massive hits when the cards line up, which should be often with the number of cards available to make that happen. This deck allows you to defend, attack and thwart, depending on what is needed most, giving you maximum flexibility for what needs to happen in the game. Have fun!