I'll Feel That in the Morning

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Health is just a resource, and this Spider-Man Aggression deck aims to get the most out of it. Spider-Man has the most efficient healing card in Aunt May. Trade blows with the villain and always make sure to get something out of it. Do you want card draw threat removal or damage, pick at least 2. After that flip down heal up, maybe make use of his mental resource from Scientist, then flip back up to start trading blows again.

Toe to Toe is an aggression card built for Spider-Man. It might as well read deal 5 damage to the villain and draw a card. Combo it with Backflip or Webbed Up or even just defend with his 3 defense. But if you have some threat that needs removed don't hesitate to take it on the chin and follow up with "You'll Pay for That!". Being able to burst 5 threat off a side scheme is a major boon in aggression.

Everyone knows what Honed Technique can do. Peter Parker having a guarantee mental just makes it easier to get down. Also with his Genius trait giving him access to Ingenuity and his Web-Shooter you have 3 cards to make sure you've got that mental. It's probably best known for comboing with Dive Bomb, but I've found Into the Fray just as good as a target if there is a minion on the board. 9 damage with none of it going to waste is pretty nice. Also No Quarter to give you more of a chance for that extra card draw. Speaking of card draw the old tried and true Nick Fury and Moon Girl are here to help with that as well.

I'm a pretty risk averse person, but I couldn't pass up Symbiote Suit for thematic purposes. +1 to all basic powers an extra card and more health are just a bonus. It also helps that Enhanced Spider-Sense can deal with one of those encounter cards.

Combat Training is kind of a left over from trialing Smash the Problem. It is obviously more consistent and can get boosted, but I kind of felt lacking in damage so I didn't like giving up my basic activation.

For multiplayer, "You'll Pay for That!" and Into the Fray can be cut if you're running with a justice partner. Counterattack would slot nicely with Toe to Toe. Melee and Relentless Assault would be good targets for minion heavy scenarios and combo nicely with Honed Technique, but really what aggression event doesn't?


Sep 08, 2023 josseroo · 696

I do love Toe to Toe with Peter!

How do you find No Quarter is working for you in practice in this deck? Not a ton of targets for it

Sep 09, 2023 Shazbahty · 580

17 targets outside of the one you play and if you play it after you're set up it hits pretty frequently even against some of the beefer minions if you pepper them a bit before playing. Though it's not a key card in this deck at all so it could easily be swapped out.

Sep 09, 2023 josseroo · 696

My bad. For some reason my brain was telling me red events, not just red cards