Makeshift Arrows

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Thematic (Rise of the Red Skull) ft. Avengers (combo with Ca 0 0 0 1.0

spinnerrogers · 73

How should Hawkeye feel? In my view, Hawkeye should feel the way he does when Hawkeye's Quiver has been in play a couple rounds, and accumulated a couple different arrows. At this point, Hawkeye can react to any number of situations the encounter deck can throw out.

For better or worse, though, you can't rely on the Quiver. It could be at the bottom of your deck, or worse, randomly discarded so that you do not even see it on your first deck pass.

This build aims to remedy the situation so that, even without the Quiver, you can still feel like Hawkeye. Essentially, we want to give Hawkeye more "arrows" and ways of modifying them so you can consistently deliver the perfect attack, whether you have your Quiver or not.

One by One acts as another Explosive Arrow. Cooler yet, we can flavor it as firing two arrows in one shot.

Piercing Strike acts as another Vibranium Arrow, good for initiating attacks on enemies with Tough. Also, since it is an event, you can play it on other player's turns.

With Aggressive Energy and Warrior Skill, we can modify these attacks, allowing us to deal just enough damage to take out minions with them (this really helps to meet the kicker on One by One). Warrior Skill fits our design objective especially well since it sits on the table ready to augment any attack, including our (actual) arrows: we want Hawkeye to feel prepared.

Sometimes, you just need to hit higher numbers. Hand Cannon and Combat Training help you hit big numbers with your basic activation. With both on the table, Hawkeye is ready to take out 6 health minions with his basic activation alone. The overkill from Hand Cannon can also act like an Explosive Arrow, cascading into the villain. It also keeps us from wasting damage. Shooting a 1hp Ultron Drone with Hawkeye feels bad, but when you use Hand Cannon, it's efficient.

The allies are pretty standard, and basically there just to defend Hawkeye. If you are wondering about the multiple copies of upgrades, I am a player who likes running multiple copies to give me more flexibility (not having to worry about pitching a card that I'll want later).

The deck works well alongside another hero who is good at thwarting. Together, each deck can focus on its strengths, with the other player knowing Hawkeye has combat well covered.

Unfortunately, the card pool does not give us ways to store cards for later in Aggression. Hopefully more cards come out in the future to improve the feel of the deck even more!

Edit: Superpower Training, now that we have it, is a great way to help get the quiver online. Swap one Combat Training.


Jul 09, 2023 Life777Nyx17 · 47

I think that Hawkeye doesn't really go down to alter ego so you don't really need crew quarters.

Jul 09, 2023 Life777Nyx17 · 47

You could add a downtime so that Hawkeye recovers more.

Jul 16, 2023 spinnerrogers · 73

Crew Quarters is there so Clint can use it on himself.

I choose Crew Quarters over Down TIme to give me the option to flip down and heal 2 (over the course of two turns) without using any recover actions at all.

Down Time could work too, but I prefer it more in decks where I have access to readying effects.