Hacking the Mainframe: Rogue & Vision Duo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 276

Designed to pair specifically with my Hacking the Mainframe: Rogue deck.

R&D Facility to buff them when you can get a few Reboots on Rogue or Vivian. Between the 2 decks, there are 6 copies of Reboot plus more with Superpower Adaptation. This can lead to some huge turns for Vivian. Clarity of Purpose is pretty good to throw on Rogue or Vision, as they can regen the ping damage with Reboot pretty easily.

The allies here are mostly exchangeable based on your needs. Squirrel Girl is for minion heavy scenarios, like Ultron (who I tested these decks on). Could swap Ant-Man, Machine Man, or Mockingbird for Ironheart.


Aug 20, 2023 boomguy · 285

For some who built a Vision deck, you don’t give a lot of love to him!

Aug 29, 2023 HeroicSkeleton · 276

`@boomguy57 I took out the joke. Your right, Vision gets too much hate, I don't need to add to it. He's fun, I have to try out more decks with him at some point.