SP//dr and Her Amazing Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Astrodar · 1315

Con of Heroes 2023 is right around the corner, and like many others, I've been prepping decks for some multiplayer mayhem. I figured I might as well post some of these decks, along with some sideboard suggestions in case you run into overlap with some unique cards.

This deck was inspired by one of my Solo Champions League decks this season. SP//dr's flexibility allows you to set up a small army of powerhouse allies. Why have one Voltron, when you can have many?! There's a lot of great info out there on SP//dr specifically, so I'll just comment on some specifics of this deck.

  • SP//dr has a massive economy and a lot of HP. The goal is to leverage these to play "permanent" allies (X-Men and VEN#m) and boost those allies with upgrades (Attack Training and Sidearm) and Boot Camp.
  • Wolverine and VEN#m are priorities. They hit the hardest, and Wolverine helps keep himself on the board. By mid to late game they'll be 6 ATK (Wolverine) and 7 ATK / 5 THW (VEN#m) allies.
  • Dust helps clean up against minion heavy scenarios. 4 ATK against all minions for 2 consequential if built up.
  • Psylocke gives you some flexibility to flip down to AE.
  • First Aid and Game Time keep your allies healed and in the game.
  • Don't be afraid to let Wolverine sit or just thwart for a round. Use his healing!
  • Web-Warriors help with defense and card draw. They are your "temporary" allies.
  • SP//dr is slow going through the deck, so don't be afraid to build up whatever X-Men ally comes up. There are plenty of upgrades to go around.
  • Helicarrier is here purely to help others in multiplayer. It could easily be swapped for another Attack Training or Boot Camp.

Side Board:

I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I have! It offers a lot of interesting decisions along the way. Thanks to Journeyman2, VillainTheory, and MegiDolaDyne for helping me refine it on Discord.


Apr 26, 2023 journeyman2 · 23826

Now I’m going to have to figure out a good partner deck for the con!

Jun 14, 2023 Mr.Bottle · 1

I can't understand how works Danger Room here... SPdR ism't mutant!?

Jun 14, 2023 Astrodar · 1315

@Mr.Bottle: Danger Room has no play or activate restrictions for the controlling player. It just has an additional effect that allows non-controlling mutants to activate it. So SP//dr can play and trigger it, but can’t trigger it if another player controls it.