Basically "the" voltron ally. Once you get her in play with 4 counters, she can reliably throw 5's around without need for kickers, resource costs or anything. Ally upgrades boost her power even further (it's fun to kill 6 hp minions with one strike from VEN#m with Inspired or Side Arm or Boot Camp). She benefits a lot from healing, readies, additional HP and cards like Teamwork that utilise her massive stats without dealing her consequential damage.
Addy Brock
Cost: 4.
Health: 3.
Attack: 1.
Thwart: 1.
VEN#m gets +1 THW and +1 ATK for each sym counter on her.
Hero Response: After VEN#m enters play, place 1 sym counter on her for each resource generated by SP//dr Suit's "Sync Ratio" ability to pay for her.
SP//dr #3. SP//dr #3.
