I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Nova - Aggressive but still Smiling 0 0 0 1.0

dr00 · 43745


Dive Bombo Combo and the 41-card meta are back and better than ever. Here's a (brief) rundown:

For a more lengthy explanation:

The Best Defense is a Good Offense

Remember to use for Dive Bomb to get the bonus damage with Honed Technique, but that's especially easy with Supernova Helmet and half the deck being (13) and (7).

After the full combo with Unleash Nova Force, if you draw things like Looking for Trouble and/or Angela again, go ahead and drop some more minions. You can ignore their attacks with Go For Champions or any allies you've played.

Use The Locust and Ms. Marvel to fetch the right pieces or hold them for another turn. In general, try to recur the events (Unleash Nova Force and "Go for Champions!") that have fewer copies and aren't Aggression since The Locust can grab an Aggression event from the discard.

This deck plays best against a scenario with lots of low-health minions, but thankfully with all of the damage bonuses, it can work well against scenarios with medium to moderate-health minions. Don't feel that you have to have a bunch of minions in play every round to keep Dive Bombing. It does a lot of damage even against one target and spills over to the villain. Keep the pressure up, and you will still have some satisfying combo turns. At a certain point, the encounter deck will flood you with a lot of minions, so you can keep going for a higher score.

The Best Offense is a Good Defense

And if that's not enough, the deck is even more broken now with the recent reversal of deal/take:

We are issuing a new ruling that is relative to this interaction. We are choosing to distinguish the phrases “deal X damage” and “take X damage” when used in the costs of player cards. If a player card requires you to “deal X damage” to a target, the damage does not all have to be applied to the target for that card’s cost to be considered paid.

That means you can play "Go for Champions!", exhaust Ms. Marvel and 'deal' 1 damage to her, and return "Go for Champions!" back in your hand. If you really need to, you can keep it up every round.


Oct 04, 2022 Zack · 34

Hello, I like the concept but I miss No Quarter. This card gives you a insane draw and is a cheap event to lead with minions in early. Did you think about include it reducing some copies of other cards?

Oct 04, 2022 dr00 · 43745

@Zack i do love No Quarter, but i find that you either: lose damage because you're defeating a minion just to draw combo pieces OR using Marked to get some of that damage back. it is a worthy inclusion, and if i were to put it back in, i would probably take out Follow Through, but i would rather replace that with Warrior Skill when Wolverine releases. another thing that pushed it out was the recent ruling about The Power of [Aspect] cards in that they cannot produce two different resources. So Honed Technique, No Quarter, and The Power of Aggression cannot work together.

but definitely there is a No Quarter version of this deck! it's a great card, and it was a tough cut, but i think even going to 44 cards is probably not the worst lol

Oct 05, 2022 Crowscrowcrow · 1

The Interaction of Marked with Divebomb is pure evil. This is exactly what I've been looking for. xD

Oct 07, 2022 theyak · 7

@dr00 is there a more recent ruling about the “Power of” cards than this one on HoH?

“We re-examined “The Power Of” cards and Wild Resources and we came to the conclusion that it is possible for The Power of Aggression to generate two wild resources after all, and to have those resources declared as two different things (a Combat and a Mental resource). Therefore, it is possible to play No Quarter using The Power of Aggression and generate the resources needed to satisfy its resource requirement AND Honed Technique’s bonus.”

As someone who likes bigger damage numbers, I hope this is the most recent (and enduring) ruling!

On the other hand, they probably need to errata something in the Ms. Marvel + Go For Champions interaction, because that’s straight busted. (I personally just won’t recur GFC with Ms. Marvel as a matter of principle. That’s even too degenerate for me, which is saying something!)

Oct 07, 2022 dr00 · 43745

@Crowscrowcrow indeed :D

@theyak yeah, that is the most recent one (about The Power of Aggression), so that probably changes things haha. it seems they didn't waste much time reversing the one i referenced, but i hadn't seen the correction. thankfully it's fixed, and now i'm more tempted to put No Quarter back in lol

and yeah, strongly agreed about Ms Marvel + GFC... it's just a silly ruling. in other games, take and deal are generally just looking at the target (take) or source (deal), so it wasn't such a big deal in this game that they said they were synonymous. and now they've made the distinction but clearly hadn't considered every interaction. i have a feeling they might have larger plans to change GFC tbh. even without this change, it's just such a crazy card haha

thanks for sharing that though! i'm happy they changed their minds on it

Oct 08, 2022 theyak · 7

@dr00 I forgot to say that I very much appreciate your deckbuilding and write-up efforts and skills! Reading your deck descriptions has made me a better player, for sure! Thank you!

Oct 08, 2022 dr00 · 43745

@theyak it makes me so happy to read that! thank you so much. always glad to help :D

Oct 10, 2022 Teal'c · 1

@dr00 deck looks really cool, going to try it out in 4 player tomorrow. Am I missing something with Team Building Exercise? I don't see really any hits.

Oct 10, 2022 dr00 · 43745

@Teal'c thanks for the comment. hope it goes well! as for Team-Building Exercise, there's 4 cards: Ms. Marvel, The Locust, Champions Mobile Bunker, and Dive Bomb. it's mostly just to help pay for Dive Bomb when you're ready to do the combo, but it can easily be taken out (along with a few other cards) to trade for No Quarter, which will likely make the deck more consistent, especially since they reversed the ruling (as explained above in the comments)

Oct 11, 2022 Teal'c · 1

@dr00 I didn't consider that aerial would count with the helmet, that's a nice discount. I may try cutting 1 follow through and the Team-Traning for 2 No Quarter and just see how it feels. I appreciate the reply.

Oct 12, 2022 dr00 · 43745

Let me know how it goes! Good luck!

Oct 12, 2022 Teal'c · 1

@dr00 We played 4 player Absorbing man on Expert and it went really well, we used the recommended modular and added Legions of Hydra. I played the list as is and the amount of over kill damage I'd get off all the various 3-4 health minions was absurd, pretty much took half the stage 3 health in 1 dive bomb.

Follow Through was big on making sure overkill damage from minion cleave really piled up on the villain. Team-Building Exercise does make paying for Dive Bomb easier later in the game.

If I were to try No Quarter I'd probably cut 1 Follow Through and 1 Team-Building Exercise but I'm not sure it's even necessary.

Your decks are always great and teach me different ways of playing every time, keep up the good work!

Nov 25, 2022 dr00 · 43745

@Teal'c thanks for the report! sorry it took me so long to see it (i didn't get the notification!)

i do like No Quarter, but yeah, it's just so hard to fit everything in. maybe i should go up to 43 cards with adding them in lol

Oct 28, 2023 morscordis · 1

@dr00 Apparently the combination with Marked and Dive Bomb doesn't work the way your writeup implies it does, based on rulings from 1.5.


Oct 28, 2023 dr00 · 43745

@morscordis yes, this deck was made before 1.5 before they decided to change it