Spider-Man - Justice - Thwart!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sammy-Wevs · 8

A Spider-Man deck which is very much focused on thwarting the villains scheme, and chipping away at their health.

A few of cards such as Black Cat, Haymaker and Swinging Web Kick allow you to get some regular damage in, and maybe provide that killing blow. Also Nick Fury can output some decent attack for 1 turn. Tenacity allows you to ready Spider-Man and provide another option for THW/ATK/DEF twice in one turn.

Thwarting the villains scheme can be achieved by upgrading Spider-Man with Heroic Intuition, only 1 base thwart can be a little daunting but increasing it to 2 will give it a decent boost. Jessica Jones can be used effectively when multiple side schemes are in play, and Nick Fury again provides good utility when needed. For Justice! and Great Responsibility ('Great' card art for this) are really good ways to limit any threat building up.

As Spider-Man's health can be a little low Backflip (0 'ZERO' cost card by the way) and Webbed Up can help reduce the potential of incoming damage, but when you need to heal Aunt May has got your back.

I'm looking to run this Solo initially and see where it takes me.

(All written up with no prior games played, just looking at the potential of the cards)