Martyr and She-Hulk As One

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DSR24718 · 60

The goal of this deck is to get Adam Warlock, Martyr and She-Hulk setup - in that order.

Mystic Senses and The Sorcerer Supreme are the engines that drive Adam Warlock. Karmic Staff is nice for the extra resource, and I like to have Soul World out so that I have less need to defend. Warlock's Cape is nice, but not essential.

My next priority is to get Martyr down, and start building her. Once equipped with Energy Spear, Sidearm, Laser Blaster, and Inspired she is 7 ATK with overkill, piercing and ranged. Great for taking out minions, especially since it gives her a tough status card. With Soul World down, I don't use her Tough to block, but to keep her around longer.

She-Hulk is the next to put down. With her ability, keeping her damage tokens one below full damage to maximize her ATK value is the name of the game. All of her upgrades are to increase her hit points, so that she can increase her damage tokens, and, thus, her ATK. With Honorary Guardian, Comms Implant, and Reinforced Suit, she has 8 HP, so 7 damage tokens makes her 8 ATK. Put down Enraged to get her to 10.

Put down Boot Camp to give Martyr and She-Hulk 8 and 11 ATK, respectively. Once you are setup, As One! hits for 19 at just two cost. Since you only have one copy, late game, As One! is the priority target for Quantum Magic. Hitting the villain for 19+ per turn helps roll through the villain pretty quickly. Even before you are fully setup, it doesn't take too long to get to 10+ damage from As One!.

Impede, For Justice!, and Zone of Silence are, obviously, there for thwarting. Even though there are 20 aspect cards (5 per aspect), there are a lot of upgrades to put down permanently, so Cosmic Awareness and Karmic Blast, generally, don't hit to their fullest.

"Think Fast!", Concussive Blow, and Tackle give access to stun and confuse.

The rest of the cards are pretty flexible. I like Brother Voodoo, Gamora and Nick Fury for the added card draw. The most flexible cards are The Power of Protection and Armored Vest. With Soul World down, I tend not to defend, so Armored Vest is just there to put down and thin the deck, and gives 3 DEF in a pinch.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!


Jan 30, 2022 ManNtheArena · 16

I've played around with As One for Adam Warlock as well. I hadn't thought about beefing up She Hulk and putting more damage markers on her.