Star-Lord’s not so sneaky attacks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Drumw44 · 26

This deck revolves on the Star-Lord hero abillity and abusing the capacity to play big allies. At first I had Sneak Attack in because I wanted to do a deck revolving around the War Machine precon deck mechanics but with more and more play testing I realised that you don’t actually need Sneak Attack Let me explain myself..

If you have a 2 cost ally then sneak attack is ussless obviously so you need allies that cost 3 or more.. but..

Actually 3 is not that good because you can play it for free with the Star-lord abillity. So you actually need allies that cost 4 or more for sneak attack to be good/worth in this deck. But then if you would sneak attack a 4 cost ally you would need 1 ressource so lets say 1 card + sneak attack so 2 card to play your 4 cost ally, compared to the Star-lord abillity again: 4 cost - 3 so 1 more card to play the ally (And I have not even mentioned the fact that if you actually pay for the ally with the abillity it stays on the board). So now you need a 5 cost ally for sneak attck to be even worth aaand I only find 3 in the deck so 3 good target is not enough to include this card.

So then I realised that playing big allies for cheap is pretty insane so I added "Welcome Aboard" since Star-Lord has the Guardian trait to play multiple cheaper allies in a turn too without relying on Star-Lord abillity. This card is actually « still » in because at first I had Leadership Training in but eventually cut it out. Maybe it would be worth to switch these 3 for the 3 double ressource card now. Of course The Power of Leadership.

There is also a combo featuring either Captain Marvel or Goliath, 2 Command Team and 1 Rapid Response. The combo with Captain Marvel does between 12 and 18 damage and with Goliath its a guaranteed 20. Both Rapid Response and Command Team work well with big allies, the former working especially well with Nick Fury. Call for Aid is there to fish those big allies since except for Heimdall and Nova Prime all of our big high cost are avengers and none of our cheaper allies are except White Tiger. I actually dont know if Knowhere makes you draw each time you play an alliy since they are all Guardians with Star-Lord. If not replace for The Triskelion of course.

Let me know what you guys think and if you have suggestions please give them to me! Thanks.