Captain Marvel - The Mad Titan's Shadow Completed - Heroic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yeiyei · 76

Deck strategy: We have tons of card draw with the character and resources, so the first round of the deck will be to play supports and allies and fill the table and control the game. It is important in the first round of the deck, or if it is not possible with the pressure of the villain, in the second, play Energy Channel and load it with 5 counters for phase III of the villain, which due to the ten damage and all the allies played, it will last 1 or 2 turns at most. Once we have everything played in the first rotation, the deck in the second rotation will be very small, and with the amount of draw we have, we only draw resources and damage.

Allies: -Stinger: she is your ally number 6, she has all the advantages, she is an avenger and does not count towards the limit of allies in play. She is cheap to play and most of the time will come into play for free with Avengers Tower or Team-Building Exercise.

  • Hawkeye: This is our minion killer. He is the only ally that we are not going to use intensively to thwart or attack. Reserve it in game to use all four of its counters. He is a perfect toughness status remover for minions.
  • Goliath & Power Man: I prefer Power Man because we can have for three resources and a Make the Call practically a hit of 4 or 5, but Goliath also adds value, has a hit of 5 or 6 and thwart 2 for three turns . They are our allies for attack.
  • Captain America: I think he is a must in a deck of allies, the cost of him will often be practically zero and he will be a great ally for defense.
  • AntMan: versatile ally, with 1 resource you have a quick ally to stop the villain or if your hand is full of resources, it can give you an ally of 4-5 health with 2/2 or 3/3.
  • Spiderwoman: she is the ally that allows us with the confusion of the villain to be able to change to alter ego which gives us a lot of advantage of cards, since in a turn of change we get card draw on both sides (alter ego and hero) . Every time we recycle her with Make the Call we will have that possibility.
  • Black night: we use him to remove toughness, since we want that our allies, who have great attack and thwart, not to lose 1 action to remove the status. Squirrel girl could be a replacement.

Events: We will use the Make the Call intensely because we will always have a large amount of resources on hand, which we will want to turn into recycled allies. Captain Marvel's events: they are not the best events in the game, but 100% of the time we will draw cards with Photonic Blast due to the amount of wild/energy resources we have in the deck. In the case of Crisis Interdiction, which is a very slow card, we will almost always use it as a resource, especially in the first rotation of the deck.

Resources: We have 10 advanced resource type cards. Super interesting Band Together in this deck where we are continuously playing and recycling allies, most of the time it will generate 3 wild resources. These resources will be very useful to remove enemy cards (those that need resource payment) or to load our ultimate killing card Energy Channel. With so much draw and resources, it might seem that sometimes we will have too many on hand, but we will always have some Make the Call or ally to give them value.

Support: We play the 8-card pack for an avengers team deck. All these cards give the snowball effect that we need during the second rotation of the deck to beat difficult villains playing on the expert or heroic level. Normally, in other decks, spending resources on playing these cards slows down the mechanics of the deck too much, and can often hinder more than help. In this deck, we have 10 double or triple resources and tons of draw, so playing these cards will be simple from the beginning and their effect will be used many more turns. Special mention to Mighty Avengers which is the fundamental piece runs great in this deck, given + 1 / + 1 to all your allies. This card in a deck where we normally have 4 - 6 allies in play is sheer madness.

Upgrades: It is the weakest part of the deck, since Captain Marvel's Helmet and Cosmic Flight will normally played as a resource because they do not give us much added value in the strategy of the deck. Energy Channel will be our main card to kill the villain, especially in its last phase (phase III), where we will have one prepared with five counters to execute it and make this phase last as little as possible, especially with very difficult villains.

Conclusion: This deck is really powerful. He has passed the entire The Mad Titan's Shadow Campaign on Expert, including the last two phases (Hela & Loki) in Heroic, and in all scenarios with multiple plans he has finished with the full health and the main plan in the first stage. It is a relatively easy deck to play and allows you to recover from failures, where you usually have an ally to make 'wall' and indirect thwart. You have a great card draw with the character, and she is never short of resources due to the large amount of multiple resources she has.

Please, comments are very welcome!!!


Dec 30, 2021 gam7 · 1

Not sure about Triskelion. Never able to get more than 3 Allies out in this campaign.

Mar 19, 2024 Relaxingend42 · 7

Any reason why clarity of purpose isn’t included? It’s essentially a draw one per hero phase with her hero ability.