Doctor Strange - Vigilant

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10940

Trying a new approach to Doctor Strange, it seems to me like Ever Vigilant is too good to pass up! Of course it requires Cloak of Levitation, but who DOESN'T play that card as Strange?

Basically, i want him to ready as much as possible to play as many spells as possible, and now you've got a new option: the Cloak of Levitation, of course, but also Ever Vigilant, which also gives you a better grip on the main scheme as well as an extra activation.

The deck is mostly silver (basics) and includes a serious amount of cards to draw (Nick Fury, Ironheart, Assess the Situation, Spiritual Meditation, The Sorcerer Supreme, Avengers Mansion), which makes it easy to cycle your deck in search of your MVPs.

Lots of resources too (carriers, The Power in All of Us to help with costly basics, Team-Building Exercise mainly to help with paying Starhawk, Ever Vigilant (aerials) or Wong. Also, thins your deck!).

Not much else to say, it's mainly a list to facilitate multi-casting of spells and, of course, with a little setup, Doctor Strange and his spells do all the rest.