
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Schmendrix · 5475

TL;DR: Make the Call and Team Training turn Ant-Man and Wasp into cheap, efficient attack events that boost Spider-Woman's ability to manage minions and close games.

This deck is built on four suites of cards:

  1. The Pym Particle allies with Team Training, Last Stand, and Boot Camp. Ant-Man, Wasp, and Stinger (to a lesser extent) are available to be played from discard by Make the Call or from hand for free (late game) or cheap (early- and mid-game). Early- and mid-game, pumping Ant-Man and Wasp helps control the board state while you build, and you don't have to fear using them given how cheap they are to recur as 1-2 health allies with Team Training (note, you can pay nothing once Team Training is down). Late-game, they're valuable to play in different ways. Wasp is helpful to pump as a replicable 4-cost swing with Boot Camp. Ant-Man feels best as a late-game swing for 3 (with Boot Camp) or 6 (with Boot Camp and Last Stand). These are high efficiency and high tempo plays given how few cards they require from hand, and can provide quite a bit of "ramp" for Spider-Woman despite how event-heavy the deck is.
  2. The two-cost Aggression Avengers. Hulk and Spider-Girl are cheap allies that are worth prioritizing, especially Hulk, as persistent Earth's Mightiest Heroes engines (and a meat shield, in Hulk's case). One notable element of this deck is that you can and should likely use Wasp to pay for Hulk or Spider-Girl, knowing you can pull her from the discard. Ant-Man is more situational; his thwart may be more useful on the table than used as a resource.
  3. The economy suite. Helicarrier and Assess the Situation and the double resources provide a relatively thin but useful engine to support Finesse. Assess the Situation I find very valuable in Spider-Woman because she loves seeing more cards, both as cheap events and to spin the deck faster.
  4. The staples. Relentless Assault and Skilled Strike are valuable, impactful cards for Spider-Woman - cheap, hit hard, give stat bonuses. And Earth's Mightiest Heroes is very valuable as a readying effect - for Captain Marvel first if she's on the table, and Spider-Woman second.

Ultimately, the deck sings when you embrace disposable Pym Particle allies as sources of damage to help Spider-Woman apply consistent pressure to the Villain. It does not thin, and instead takes advantage of Make the Call to maintain access to Ant-Man and Wasp, and Assess the Situation to increase the number of cards seen during key game states (e.g., shifting resources from a clean board turn to a future messy board turn).


Mar 17, 2021 nathan · 10

This looks like a great deck! Just note that Helicarrier can’t be played to pay for an ally from Make the Call, so I think that you should be running Quincarrier instead.

Mar 17, 2021 Schmendrix · 5475

Noted! Helicarrier is for everything else, but yes - if the She-Hulk player says it's okay, I'll run Quincarrier.

Jun 26, 2021 alehandrof · 1

I don't believe you can use Make the Call with Ant-Man and Wasp because their printed cost is 0. You can bring them into play with it, but since you can't overpay for them, they have no health and are discarded. Am I missing something?

Jun 26, 2021 Schmendrix · 5475

Yes, you can overpay, and even you pay 0, Team Training means they can swing.

Jun 26, 2021 alehandrof · 1

That’s cool. I’m sure I’d read the opposite, but either I misremember or had been misinformed. This is great. It hadn’t even occurred to me that with Team Training they’d get at least 1 HP no matter what. That’s insane!