Thor - Asgard Avengers Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dr. Lucky · 131

I'm so happy to finally have a Thor Aggression deck that holds up well in true solo play! The Ant-Man and Wasp Hero Packs finally cracked this open with cards like Team-Building Exercise, Moment of Triumph, Into the Fray, Thor, and Wasp.

Like many of my decks, I tend to slow play this in favor of building up a solid board state - Mjolnir is definitely a resource the first few times I fish it up. I mostly focus on getting out my resource generators (God of Thunder, Quincarrier, Avengers Tower, Team-Building Exercise) and card generators (Asgard, Avengers Mansion) out on my first pass through the deck, with a few stops to grab allies for blocking. If threat starts to creep up, summon up a minion with Defender of the Nine Realms and smack it right back down with Into the Fray - that will buy you some time on the main scheme.

Once you're more built up, Thor can kill whatever he wants. You've got enough Energy resources to Lightning Strike hard when you want to (especially since most of your non-Energy cards are permanents that will be in play by this point), and Wasp can do serious work if you feed her three Energy. Once Thor has four base attack (from Combat Training and Mjolnir) you can start standing him up with Lady Sif and Earth's Mightiest Heroes to multi-attack. On that note, don't forget that War Machine is the perfect target for Earth's Mightiest Heroes on his first turn - you get some use out of him without wasting his Tough status on coincidental damage.

This deck is just a joy to play. Thor gets to beat on stuff with reckless abandon and actually win games. What more could you ask for?


Feb 09, 2021 L3w15 7 · 11175

Any reason that you decided to pass on power of aggression? I count 12 aggression cards that cost 2+ for you to potentially use it on? Obviously it's really nice for triggering effects like relentless assault as well as being 2 energy resources for wasp.

Feb 09, 2021 neothechosen · 10667

So glad Thor is getting some love! I have a similar build that I've been playing for a while now, pretty much the same way you do. It does make Thor interesting to play, fun, and solo-able!

If you can spare some room for it, I would suggest Hall of Heroes. Added it to my deck, it really is worth it, especially if you can get it out early. Just gravy on top of Defender of the Nine Realms and the taking care of minions...

Feb 09, 2021 Dr. Lucky · 131

@L3w15 7 - I had The Power of Aggression included in some versions of this deck but I just never felt like it was pulling its weight. After you get set up, this deck generates a lot of resources from the board, so you generally have enough gas in the tank to do what you need to do - thinning out my options for more resources didn't seem necessary.

Part of it is also timing - early in the game (when I have the fewest resources available), the Aggression cards generally aren't the priority. It's much more important to get the economy cards in play, which are all basic or signature. Once I've got a few of those and am ready to switch gears into playing more Aggression, I'm usually not struggling for resources.