(Re)Covering Fire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ensign53 · 60

The idea here is to spend as little time in alter-ego form by taking hits and either healing up from them or preventing the damage. Preemptive Strike can help cancel some of the worst boost icons, and Defensive Stance is a great way to block incoming damage.

Brother Voodoo can help search for the arrow or healing event that you need in the moment, and The Night Nurse helps make sure you're not stunned when you need to be firing arrows.

Use Med Team liberally on yourself, since your allies shouldn't be sticking around all that long. Brother Voodoo is best as he comes in, so getting him off the field helps, and Mockingbird should be returning to your hand fairly regularly.

Down Time is a fairly low-priority upgrade, so pitch it for resources if you need to, but it can help get you out of alter-ego form faster in the event that you need to flip.