Card draw simulator
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SortofBoard · 96
Jessica and Carol are BFFFs so I figured I’d make a couple of decks to really show that off using Jess’s ability to dip into multiple aspects. Got two decks that do similar things, the other will be linked below so please try them both out.
Carol’s ability to draw you a card whenever she attacks or thwarts may be one of the most powerful signature ally abilities. That alone is a reason to include Leadership cards in your Spiderwoman build. So we are gonna turn Jess’s card draw potential up to 11 in this deck. One Way or Another can draw you a ton of cards, although you want to be careful with which side schemes you get from it. This deck is pretty good at dealing with side schemes (more on that later), but you don’t want to get out too many that have immediate negative impacts when they are revealed or when they are defeated. Pull stuff with passive benefits that won’t trigger on your turns.
Adding to your card draw and taking advantage of the side schemes, we’re running Mission Leader and Skilled Investigator so each time you knock one off the table you’re getting two cards. We are also running a bunch of Player Side Schemes for when you can’t One Way or Another. With Heroic Intuition it’s very easy to clear the threat off any of these schemes if you play even one aspect card on your turn.
We’re gonna try and buff up Captain Marvel’s usefulness with Sidekick, Inspired, and Command Team. We don’t want to go all out with readying her back up each turn because we want to hold onto her as long as possible. Make sure you are recovering in AE to keep her health topped off so she can stay active. We also have Mighty Avengers to buff her and our other allies up and make each of their activations a little more impactful. Suit Up and Side-by-Side are just keep parts of any Sidekick build, but Side by Side give double the impact to Spider-Woman since it could as an aspect card for the stat boost, so it can effective be a +2/+2 to her.
Speed is just a little more passive thwarting, he’s useful but isn’t a game changer in this deck. Overwatch on the other hand is huge for you. It can be deceptively powerful even though you don’t have a bunch of giant pieces of threat removal that makes Overwatch really flashy, but seeing as how a good turn can get Jess up to 5 or more Thwart, she can just turn sideways and remove a side scheme from play while managing threat on the main. And with as many side schemes as we are gunning for getting out, this is how I would run Overwatch. Only thwart the main if pressure is climbing and you can’t combo into a big Overwatch clear, otherwise just passively keep it in check with this cheap little upgrade.
Hope Summers is here just to fetch some superpower cards whenever she hits the table since most of Jess’s tools are superpowers and so of course we also have Deft Focus to make those cheaper and easier to activate.
Like all sidekick decks, your Mulligan priorities are either Suit Up or your signature ally. In this one, I would say it might be worth holding onto a One Way or Another, Mission Leader, or Skilled Investigator to get your card draw engine going faster. I wouldn’t throw away your Finesse upgrades if they are in your first hand since those definitely make your life a lot easier as well.
Have fun celebrating Jess and Carol’s friendship with this one and have them both beat the crap out of evil doers together.
Other deck:
- Munkey