Rager Swords

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 681

The objective of this deck is to:

-Boost Colossus's Attack way up with Titanium Muscles and Laser Swords.

-Ready a ton with Limitless Stamina and Stick-To-Itiveness.

-Flip regularly to keep toughs on line allowing us to utilize Colossus hero cards as well as keep our pool resources giving us triple resources.

Turn one we are looking to get either Organic Steel or a Bulletproof Protector so that we have toughs for a couple turns. We'd also like one if not more of our set up cards.

In no particular order this is what we're looking to get out turn 1:

Iron will allows us to draw a card everytime we discard a tough which is going to happen a lot.

Moira MacTaggert is great to generate a card draw everytime we flip back to hero.

Titanium Muscles gives us +1 Attack and generates a fist resource for each tough on Colo which can pay for Stick-To-Itiveness.

Stick-To-Itiveness gives a ready for exhausting and spending a fist resource.

Deft Focus makes the next Superpower we play cost 1 less. We have 13 Superpower cards in this deck that cost.

Unshakable gives us steady.

The X-Jet generates a wild resource which can trigger for Stick-To-Itiveness also.

Headpool and Lady Deadpool are our 2 best allies as they don't take consequential, have 2 thwart and pump up the attack once Laser Swords is out.

Superpower Training allows us to put an identity specific upgrade into play once defeated.

Build Support allows us to put a 3 cost or less support into play once defeated.

Laser Swords is better to play mid game once we have some "bad" icons out there to pump up our Attack.

Stepford Cuckoos are not essential but can really help stop extra activations, preserving our toughs.

Hope Summers is phenomenal for Colo allowing us to grab a Superpower from our deck. She's especially great to play AFTER flipping back from AE knowing that you put a Steel Fist or bulletproof protector in the deck.

How to play:

-We're not chump blocking in this deck, our allies are out there to boost our Attack with laser swords and help manage threat. Let the villain knock your tough off, you'll draw a card from iron will each time.

-When you flip you want to make sure you have one of a couple options:

Villain confused from Steel Fist. If they're confused I'll usually shuffle bulletproof protector back in as opposed to Armor up.

Armor up in hand to allow you to flip back to hero and avoid them scheming. If you use this option, you're going to want to make sure that organic steel is out or you have Invulnerability in hand. Either option will still leave you with a tough for your turn.

-Once set up with iron will, organic steel and Moira that flip can look like this.

Use Armor up flipping us back to hero, draw a card with Moira. Their Attack knocks the tough off which generates another card draw. Then organic steel puts the tough right back. Start your turn with 7 cards and a tough.

Normal turns mid to late game can look like:

Attack with 5 Attack from sword and muscles, use made of rage to discard a tough, make that attack 11 and generate a card draw.

Organic steel gives us the tough back.

Steel Fist for another 5 damage and draw a card from discarding the tough.

Ready with either Limitless Stamina or Stick-To-Itiveness to attack for another 5. Depending on what you have another ready is possible as well which would put us up to 26 damage.

I've tested against numerous different scenarios and it's held its own against all. Villains with steady and stalwart you're going to want to utilize Armor up to avoid them scheming. Non steady/stalwart you utilize steel fist to keep them stunned/confused for free flips.

This deck has been an absolute blast and I'd love to hear feedback or experiences with it!