Sister Act: Dazed & Confused (Nebula & Gamora Team-Up)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CaptainJin · 282

Nebula stands up


This deck is built to capitalize on confusion mechanics, making it a powerful tool for controlling the villain while teaming up with Gamora. The deck leverages Nebula's ability to trigger her Techniques and events that punish the villain when they're confused. In multiplayer, it creates synergy with Gamora’s aggression, allowing you to maintain control of the board while dishing out significant damage.

Team-Up Deck:

Core Strategy

Promises, promises

The deck revolves "Think Fast!" and Sonic Rifle, you can consistently apply confusion, which opens up opportunities for using Lethal Intent and Scare Tactic to maximize damage. Nebula's Ship and Unyielding Persistence enhance her capabilities, ensuring you can trigger Techniques reliably while keeping the pressure on the villain.

The Mulligan

Your initial hand should set you up to apply confusion early and establish your board. Key cards to look for include:

  • "Think Fast!" or Sonic Rifle to start the confusion engine and gain immediate control over the villain’s scheme.
  • Cutthroat Ambition for its ability to manipulate the encounter deck and boost your damage potential through the game.
  • Nebula's Ship to accelerate your resource generation, allowing for smoother play of higher-cost cards.

Early Game

The goal in the early game is to establish control and lay the groundwork for your strategy. Start by:

  • Using "Think Fast!" to confuse the villain right out of the gate, setting up for safe turns where you can build your board.
  • Play Cutthroat Ambition and Nebula's Ship to solidify your board presence and start setting up for mid-game power plays.
  • Float Like a Butterfly can be used to further manipulate the game in your favor, allowing you to avoid taking damage while positioning Nebula for strong counterattacks.


In the mid-game, you should be focusing on leveraging confusion for powerful plays:

  • Lethal Intent becomes a central card, allowing you to trigger Techniques like Wide Stance and Weapons Master for multiple effects, including damage mitigation and boosted attacks.
  • Sonic Rifle keeps the villain confused, creating a buffer that allows you to execute your game plan without fear of the villain scheming.
  • Scare Tactic and Upside the Head deliver powerful blows to a confused villain, ensuring you’re consistently chipping away at their health while maintaining board control.
  • Mockingbird and Dazzler can be brought in for additional control, using their abilities to keep the villain and minions at bay.

Late Game

As you transition into the late game, the focus shifts to closing out the game efficiently:

  • Utilize Unyielding Persistence to keep Nebula resilient, allowing her to withstand more damage while continuing to activate Techniques.
  • Weapons Master and Sonic Rifle should be in full swing, delivering consistent damage and maintaining confusion on the villain.
  • Daughters of Thanos can be a game-finisher, drawing you into more damage-dealing cards or key Techniques needed to seal the win.
  • By now, you should have a well-established board with allies and upgrades, making it possible to overwhelm the villain with a final barrage of attacks and damage from Lethal Intent and Scare Tactic.


This deck thrives in multiplayer games, especially when paired with Gamora, allowing for a powerful combination of control and aggression. Even in true solo, it remains effective by focusing on confusion to keep the villain in check while setting up for heavy-hitting plays. With its ability to consistently apply confusion and punish the villain, this deck ensures you’re always a step ahead, ready to strike when the moment is right.

That is the gist of it