Back To Me, My X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8248

To Me, My X-Men decks are a ton of fun, but they do run the potential of whiffing without just filling the deck with allies. One option is to load up with as many X-Men allies as you can, even going up to 50 cards. However, then another issue arises in that there are only three copy of To Me, My X-Men (abbreviated TMMX from here on out), which makes them more rare to find.

This deck tries to take on a few of those challenges, making use of some newer cards to the pool.

First of all, we are using Rogue, because with Superpower Adaptation, she effectively has 6 copies of TMMX when she can touch a blue ally. With the ability to pull TMMX, you can then pull an ally very regularly.

However, we still run into the problem of possibly not having an X-Men in our top 5 cards. However, the Domino ally takes care of all of these problems in one move. When your ally comes back to hand, you just activate Domino, put the ally you want to pull with TMMX back on top of your pile and then you're guaranteed to get that one.

Professor X is a target for sure that you could loop with this, but I think Beast is the best target, and a lot more fun too! Rogue has a pretty expensive kit, so if Beast can loop every time you see a TMMX or Superpower Adaptation, you'll be able to get a double or even a triple resource for your troubles. That's helps a ton. Plus, with Domino staying on the table, you always have a blue ally for Touched so that Superpower Adaptation can grab TMMX.

In the times that I've playtested this one, the challenge then is how to keep Domino on the table. I've used options like First Aid, but one of the best is to try putting Honorary X-Men on Domino and then use Triage in order to heal her. With Make the Call, this gives you a good use for that double resource you're getting from Beast each turn in order to keep your loop running.

That's that main loop - use Domino to put Beast on the top of your deck, playing TMMX to get Beast into play, earning you a sweet resource card to play Triage.

However, with the new card, Mutant Mayhem, this deck becomes even more fun. One option then is to try and get Hope Summers into play. She is an amazing target for Mutant Mayhem as she will have both the X-Men and X-Force traits, allowing you to refresh her under either category. Even better, she pulls a Superpower card for you, giving you the ability to get one that you still have resources left for - - OR - - go find Superpower Adaptation for more TMMX shenanigans. Best of all, Mutant Mayhem is a great place to spend that triple resource you just pulled from Beast when you went to go get Band Together.

Recently, the other target for my Mutant Mayhem has been Triage because of how it heals Domino with the Honorary X-Men on her. However, the other option is to get a refresh of Domino instead as another way to heal. Between those three allies (Hope, Triage and Domino) you'll have great targets for any Mutant Mayhem. You could even use Beast as a target if you want to pull another resource card even.

This deck is one of the first times I've ever enjoyed playing Rogue. I've always found her clunky with Touched and such a high cost curve. However, if Beast is going to be appearing regularly, pulling me Band Together every turn, she becomes much more affordable. Although you're not putting Touched on the villain very often, it does feel like you're making good use of it's ability.

Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I do. As always, appreciate a like or a comment below. Until next time Champions...


Jul 31, 2024 doubleonad · 123

I really like the idea of using Beast to keep pulling Band Together. Nice job.

Aug 01, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 514

Beast is an mvp with Mutant Mayhem and he's an auto include for those decks imo. The turns get absolutely wild with him. Love the use of domino, I did something similar in a Magik deck to have extra top deck shenanigans. This looks like a ton of fun!

Aug 01, 2024 frozenfirez · 100

Very cool deck!

Aug 01, 2024 ClassyRobot · 5361

Love this! Have you tried X-Mansion in here? Might not be necessary with the Triage loop but it's another way to keep Domino topped off once she's Honorary. Keep up the great work!