Why Not Both?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rogue One 0 0 0 1.0
Rogue One 0 0 0 2.0
Rogue One 1 1 0 3.0

Daring Lime · 1575

For a video of me testing the deck on stream check out this vod! https://youtube.com/live/hU8xuk_3e6Q?feature=share

Touched is an amazing card. The ability to gain the aerial trait, retaliate, or stalwart on demand is incredibly powerful. I particularly enjoy how that interacts with Southern Cross and Goin' Rogue. If you were to have aerial and retaliate, you would get both of the effects! That's the point of this deck. Dauntless gives your character retaliate if you are equal to or greater than your starting hit points. This means that you can attach touched to an ally or hero and you will have retaliate + either aerial, or stalwart. Meaning that your hero events become much stronger! Southern Cross becomes 8 damage with a stun or card draw, and Goin' Rogue becomes 5 thwart with a confuse or card draw!

The only catch is keeping your hit points. So I added Endurance and Symbiote Suit to increase your hit points, along with Energy Barrier and Forcefield Generator to protect them, and Med Team to heal. Combine that with a bunch of protection allies and suddenly it isn't hard to keep your hit points!

As an extra bonus, retaliate stacks, so if you don't have Goin' Rogue or Southern Cross you can attach touched to the villain, and get retaliate 2. Combine that with your Energy Barrier's and suddenly you can hit the villain back for up to 5 damage! For extra fun you could throw in a copy of Electrostatic Armor. This deck is versatile, powerful, and incredibly fun! I hope you enjoy!