The Voltron Trash Bandit

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Rocket Raccoon - Layer Cake 2 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

WilliamFoltz2 · 1

My personal Voltron deck I constructed to kit out Iron Man or Yondu so they can become unstoppable forces of destruction.

We are running Rocket so we can easily recycle our upgrades back to the top of our deck with Salvage and because every time we dip down to Alter Ego we can recycle our spent tech weapons to get even more card draw to facilitate more upgrades. Rocket is also a good choice since he Thwarts very comfortably and we mostly control damage output with our Voltron allies.

The obvious problem with Voltron decks is... you need your Voltron ally to do anything. As such I have included a few cards to retrieve them from the deck or discard pile.

Suit Up is an obvious choice as it allows us to not only pull our Voltron ally but a useful attachment for them. If you are grabbing Iron Man then you should always prioritize Honorary Guardian as we need it to ensure the Guardians of the Galaxy card draw is active. If you have Honorary Guardian already in hand then pick anything else you desire. I am considering cutting this, as I seldom have enough resources in hand to play this and then also play out the ally it tutors. But even if we just use it to pull an ally to use as a resource to play the attachment we grab its still decent value, and we can then use Make the Call to bounce them back out afterwards.

Next we have Call for Backup to put our ally directly into play. Backup is 1 resource to play and only 3 threat in solo to clear, which is trivial for Rocket, especially if you already have his Thruster Boots out. You can choose any ally, but I typically prioritize Yondu since he persists indefinitely while attacking, or Groot if you need the bulk on board to survive a few hits while you get the main scheme under control.

Finally we take Make the Call, as noted earlier, to bounce our allies back to the board. Ideally this should be used for Groot after he soaks up his last hit from the villain, but you can also use it in a pinch to cycle our Voltron allies back as needed.

We also take Star-Lord for some extra generic ally value and Groot specifically to take hits for us. If you load Groot up with a Reinforced Suit and a Comms Implant he can easily tank several Villain attacks. Star-Lord is particularly useful as a backup Voltron ally if we can't get Yondu or Iron Man out to handle the board. But even at base stats he is a useful stat stick to control the board, even if he does get us an extra encounter card when he's played.

The rest of the deck is just upgrades we slap on our allies and a single copy of Blaze of Glory for our final turn burn down. A fully stacked Yondu can be swinging for 5 a hit with it out and Iron Man for 6 ensuring we have enough damage output to put the Villain down for good.

I constructed this deck using Dragul's "Rocket Raccoon - Layer Cake" ( as a base, mostly just swapping out Goliath for Yondu since he's the same cost but sticks around for more damage consistency, rather than a single big hit. This is especially relevant once you have a Sky Cycle on Yondu as it allows him to hit for 6 damage a turn forever.