She-Hulk Deck Wins

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GodEmperorDoom · 22

High Risk/High reward deck.

Really good at doing dumb things like pushing through entire villain phases.

Really bad at dealing with schemes, status effects, and villain damage cancels.

Has to be played with an all-or-nothing approach, as the deck is almost entirely one dimensional. The deck has no Plan B, you either explode the villain within 5 turns, or you lose.

Key Cards:

This is what you came for, massive burst damage potential, but requires you to throw caution to the wind to get the most use out of. We really don't want to be Gamma Slamming for anything less than 10.

Fantastic value for money here, pair with Combat Training and the Basic Attack Upgrade from RoRS and you really don't even need Gamma Slam.

3 Damage for 2 is a solid rate, the upside on this card if it doesn't kill itself the turn it comes down is more than enough to make it worthy of inclusion. With future expansions I would actively be looking to cut as many Mental Resources as possible.

Fantastic rate in terms of cost to damage, fits perfectly into the risk/reward and profit/pain themes of She-Hulk.

When it works it really works, the dream scenario is having enough setup to actually play a card like Toe to Toe in hero form, slam down Split Personalityrecharge, flip and turn your target into a fine red mist with a Gamma Slam.

Cost efficient damage, the more you hurt the more they hurt.

If you can combo this with One-Two Punch the rate for the damage and utility this card will enable is off the charts.

Key setup card early, if you can get 1-2 of these into play early you'll probably be on easy street.

Final Grade: B-

When the deck high rolls it feels broken, but it has some glaring weaknesses that surface at the worst possible times. I do not feel that this deck is suitable for Expert Campaign play, and will likely struggle heavily in Heroic play due to it's one dimensional nature. The Taskmaster match up was especially terrible for this deck on account of his damage cancels, and the hero flip punish. You'll probably want to flip 1-2 times during the course of a game, Objection should allow you to do this without auto losing in scenarios with tight threat constraints.

The deck really doesn't play well from behind, and can quickly become reliant on a Hail Mary Gamma Slam.