Spider-Woman - Stun Lock

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Degensp · 98

I mostly play 2-player, so this deck was built with that in mind. That said, I wouldn't change much for solo. If this were a solo build, I would probably replace one Clarity of Purpose with Sidekick, and replace either Spider-Girl or Sunfire (depending on the villain I am going against) with Wolverine. Heck, Sidekick would already be really good with Captain Marvel. I may end up making that change anyways.

Spider-Woman already has Pheromones. Adding in Drop Kick makes her stun much more consistently. Mockingbird is only one more stun effect on her own. Paired with Suit Up, we can get her early, and back from discard. Make the Call lets us play her from discard after she blocks. Rapid Response lets us block with Mockingbird, which brings her right back to stun for the next player, wiping out an entire round of attacks.

Spider-Girl and Sunfire both have excellent effects on inexpensive bodies, but I find myself passing them over in builds because they can be a bit conditional based on the villain deck. I wanted to give them a chance, and a deck that has so much recursion seemed like a way for me to see how much I actually do (or don't) like them.