Gambit and Rogue Aggressive Team-Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Parz · 1

This deck is mainly focused around Gambit's "Throw de card" ability that allows him to increase the damage of his attacks by the amount of charge counters removed before the attack. One by One and Melee make great use of this ability since you are essentially doubling the damage dealt similar to Gambit's own attack event Royal Flush. Aggressive Energy also adds more value to these attacks as well as Honed Technique and Warrior Skill!

The second half of this deck revolves around engaging minions, similar to an aggression Thor deck. Angela, Shatterstar, and Looking for Trouble all allow Gambit to engage more minions during his turn while he uses "Bring It!" and Hall of Heroes to benefit from said minions being engaged/defeated.

For solo play if you're feeling that you need more threat removal - Into the Fray is a great card that could be slotted instead of Chase Them Down or "Bring It!"