
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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ClassyRobot · 5288

Wanna basic attack for 13 with overkill? Wanna basic attack for 21 with overkill? Play Bishop

It has been confirmed you can in fact trigger both Super-Charged in a single activation courtesy of Alex on May 10. “Yes, you can trigger both copies of Super-Charged for the same attack and get a bonus from each, up to +16 ATK”

Now the 21 is a stars align moment of 2 Super-Charged fully kitted plus Hand Cannon and your basic boosted by Combat Training, but big damage is in your future if you play the time traveler.

Play upgrades, thin your deck, and then enjoy big damage.


Assess the Situation is an underrated card, and Bishop especially loves it. Holding on to a resource is good for him since you can guarantee at least something from Bishop's Uniform and Bishop's Rifle, and AtS lets you still draw through your deck, and…your rifle doesn’t have a cap…

Wanna supercharge said Rifle? Toe to Toe gives you a solid 5 damage and a chance to grab more resource cards, or you can combo it with Energy Conversion to cycle your resources back into your deck.

What to do with this comical amount of resource cards? Of course heal and shoot your shot, but after that? You could:

Hope Summers tutors Super-Charged. Since we’re already doing ridiculous overkill damage, let’s add a few more with Follow Through. Relentless Assault is all but guaranteed to get the overkill kicker.

Don’t feel like you need to clear every minion right away though! They can get you more deck cycling and you get to choose when to trigger your suit!

It all comes together so well you almost feel like you’ve come from the future and know the outcome of this fight


Mar 30, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 425

Can't wait to give this one a shot! Thanks for sharing

Mar 30, 2024 Youngman_R6 · 1

Awesome Deck! Can't wait to try it

Mar 30, 2024 morph147 · 1

I built your deck as my first bishop deck. looking forward to seeing what it can do tomorrow at my game group

Mar 30, 2024 journeyman2 · 23416

Nice! Bishop A is great! Any thought to "You'll Pay for That!" or Counterattack?

Mar 30, 2024 ClassyRobot · 5288

I think both are great! Counterattack was originally in here and I could definitely see "You'll Pay for That!" being helpful, especially at lower player counts. My only gripe is the lack of synergy with Energy Conversion. Of course, Counterattack being an upgrade it can get around that

Mar 30, 2024 dr00 · 43327

definitely agree that Assess the Situation is criminally underrated.

also, i hate to rain on your parade, but Super-Charged says 'to a maximum of +8', so you can't go up to 16 with both of them on a single attack i'm so sorry cos it sounds really cool. that said, you can ready with Concussive Blast and still do it all in the same round

Mar 30, 2024 CrustyMustelid · 187

Gotta love the irony of Bishop liking Hope Summers in his deck!

Great write up! This gets me really excited for Bishop in Aggression, an aspect very few of my favorites play well. Bishop just might be the one to fill that void.

Mar 31, 2024 giant_lasagna · 28

@dr00 Unless I'm missing something, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to get to +16 ATK with both fully loaded Super-Charged's. They do say maximum of +8 ATK but that's for each Super-Charged card. Two fully loaded Super-Charged's and one basic attack should be +16 ATK?

Mar 31, 2024 giant_lasagna · 28

@dr00 The charge counters gives you a maximum of +8 ATK for each Super-Charged. Not max of 8 ATK total.

Mar 31, 2024 dr00 · 43327

@giant_lasagna unfortunately, it's hidden away under the ruling for 'max' which explains that such limits apply to all copies of the same card by title. it's on pg. 23 of the RRG, and you can check a few of the email rulings on HoH. you can trigger both for the same attack, but you can't get more than a maximum of +8 ATK for a single attack from Super-Charged, no matter how many of them you trigger

Mar 31, 2024 giant_lasagna · 28

@dr00 I guess I interpreted the +8 max counting towards each card separately and not all copies of the same card...

Makes me wanna just ignore the rules ever so slightly loll

Mar 31, 2024 journeyman2 · 23416

Actually, this isn't true. You can trigger both Super-Charged on one attack. Note the difference between Iron Man hero and Super-Charged

"+" only limits the amount you can get from that source, while a hard max with no "+" limits all sources.

Iron Man has no "+", so he is hard-capped. Super-Charged says "+", so the limit applies only to that instance of the card, and not to both cards

Mar 31, 2024 journeyman2 · 23416

Ok, now I'm doubting myself a little

Mar 31, 2024 CrustyMustelid · 187

@journeyman2the suspense is killing me now.

Mar 31, 2024 journeyman2 · 23416

I think I'm on board with @dr00's interpretation actually. Only +8 per attack, so to use both you need to ready

Mar 31, 2024 ClassyRobot · 5288

Super Charged is worded slightly differently with “here” so that’s why I would assume you could. I’m waiting on an official ruling back but it really doesn’t matter the more efficient way is two separate attacks anyway

Jun 25, 2024 boothwah · 81

Loving the deck. It's built n the box status for me now. Just played it again tonight with great success :