Psylockes gots Pskills

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 231

I am wanting to try and do a "Psylocke has skills" series that centers around her abusing skill cards. This deck here is centered around Float Like a Butterfly and Training Regimen. For Float Like a Butterfly to be effective we need the villain confused. To do that we have Professor X, Dazzler, Flurry of Blades, Psionic Training, Psionic Redirect and Upside the Head. Flurry of Blades and Psionic Redirect require having your Psi-Knife out. We also have Eros to confuse minions.

Psylocke's skills: Training Regimen allows her to search her deck for a skill card, if she's in hero form she has to discard a card but this allows you to grab something you need. I mulligan hard to get it and if not i hope to get One Way or Another in turn one. To get our strategy online, you can grab Float Like a Butterfly. After that you can grab whatever you need based on the board state. Grab Directed Force to land a big Attack since her Psi-Katana gives her piercing, if you have both Psi-Katana out she can hit for 5. Grab Making an Entrance to land a thwart of 5 if youre Psi-Knife are out and heal 2 if you removed all threat. Need to confuse the villain or stun them if they're already confused Grab Upside the Head. You can also grab any of her upgrades from her kit my favorites being Psionic Training and Weapons Training. Psylocke can be great at thwarting or attacking and you can decide which based on her upgrades. Turn the Tide is in here to combo with Skilled Investigator and One Way or Another. It goes like this, play One Way or Another to get a side scheme out and draw 3 cards. Have her Psi-Knife out to thwart for 3 hopefully clearing it and then Turn the Tide to deal 3 damage plus draw a card from Skilled Investigator. Ive done this numerous times and it feels great being able to get that kind of card draw while clearing threat and doing damage. Flurry of Blades does more damage with Float Like a Butterfly out essentially becoming a Royal Flush. Psionic Redirect is fantastic to avoid damage and get a confuse status on there if you have a Psi-Knife out. Psionic Training is great to pair with Turn the Tide. After psylocke thwarts you can discard Psionic Training to confuse the villain and play Turn the Tide to deal 3 damage.

Team-Building Exercise can reduce the cost of ALL your psionic cards which is quite a few. Not to mention Cypher, Professor X and Angel.

Against villains with steady, you can still get the confuse to work as there are quite a bit of ways to confuse the villain in here. Against villains with stalwart, I was still able to get the wins. Instead of focusing on confuse status, I went for Directed Force and Turn the Tide to deal extra damage.

Psylocke takes a bit of getting used to but once you get the hang of her, she's outstanding. Any feedback would be appreciated and let me know how it goes for you if you give it a shot!