Wade! What was First Rule?!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 9458

Deadpool: "Label everything in the refrigerator!"

Colossus: "Do not escalate!"

Deadpool: "Rules are meant to be broken!"

Colossus: "That's the exact opposite of what they're meant for!"

'Pool and Colossus are kinda uncomfortable. Sure it's nice to give him Laser Swords with 4 icon cards to give him a 7 ATK. And sure it's nice that he can usually use the 'Pool resources as triples. And sure! the extra ready from Stick-To-Itiveness means that a fully built out Colossus can have readies to be able to do 14-28 damage, but crisis icons and threat are so uncomfortable.

But maybe some rules ARE meant to be broken. Let's put Colossus in the 'Pool aspect and see how this goes.

Honestly, I was a little surprised at how well it did. It does help that Colossus rarely takes damage because of his tough. So those triples coming through are nice each time. It also helps that Shadowcat ignores Guard, Patrol, and Crisis icons. So when you distract a minion, she can still thwart the main scheme, which buys you time until you can deal with it. That's also why First Aid is in this deck. It keeps Shadowcat and Deadpool alive as long as possible once they hit the table.

Speaking of Deadpool, that @$$ is meant for two things: be a chosen card for Rock, Paper, Scissors and help with the thwarting. Once he's on the table, try to keep him on the table without using his Forced Interrupt.

If you need to play Deadpool (and hopefully Shadowcat is already in play), this deck is a lot of , so use a in your hand for Rock, Paper, Scissors. The mental of Assess the Situation is part of why it’s in this deck (that and it helps defer a card into your next hand, so it helps smooth resources during the building phase)

Invulnerability is meant to help you while setting up. It's not totally awful when you can use a triple to pay for it, and it becomes a resource generating tough for Titanium Muscles.

This is a relatively standard piloting of Colossus. Keep Organic Steel in play, flipping to alter-ego when one gets discarded and you have an Armor Up in hand (or confused the villain with Steel Fist). Get Iron Will and Titanium Muscles into play as soon as possible.

Get your 'Pool cards to enhance your beautiful ready and attack:

Use Not my Responsibility with your tough to prevent all threat from an Advanced, then draw a card for losing the tough.

Use Get in Front of Me! to cancel a treachery and get rid of an ally you need space for (or use your tough, either way, you get to draw a card)

Use Stick-To-Itiveness and The X-Jet to ready yourself.

You get it. 'Pool with the Shadowcat ally make Colossus the toughest mother...