Beauty and Thieves

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lazytitan421 · 442

This is a Weird one. The idea is to use Superpower Adaptation to get back Beauty and the Thief as many times as you possibly can. Then you use Mutant Education to shuffle Superpower Adaptation back in and do it again. Because Superpower Adaptation need a basic ally, we're gonna use Blade. Since he can't take consequential damage, were gonna suit him up with some upgrades and set him loose, and if he can't do it, well just exhaust him and ready ourselves, and use our stats boosted by Morale Boost and Moxie to get the job done. And when we need it we have Ready for Action to give blade a tough card so he can defend for us.

If you didn't find this deck through the Winning Hand Podcast, come check us out, you can find us anywhere you find your podcasts! We talk about 1 new card every episode and this one was Beauty and the Thief.