With a Little Help From my Friends

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 610

You know Ms. Marvel led the Champions in the comics so why are there so few leadership decks for her? With a little help from her friends buy time to set up then wallop the villain.

So how do your friends help you out? Use your allies to help manage threat/block for you, or draw cards in the case of Moon Girl and Ironheart, while you look for cards like Embiggen! and Shrink. Once you've got those on board use them to strengthen your events as usual.

But you don't have to rely solely on your hero friends, you've also got great real life friends like Bruno Carrelli and Nakia Bahadir. Nothing worse than drawing into Regroup or Mission Planning when they aren't a viable play, but using Bruno Carrelli you can always make sure you have access to them at the right time. Nakia Bahadair is just a cheaper slightly more limited Helicarrier and even that is underselling her a bit.

Call for Backup is a bit of an odd fit since your 3 best allies want to be played from hand but it's mostly there to enable Mission Planning. It could easily be swapped out for Build Support or Superpower Training. Hit and Run is kind of a bad card but I kind of like it for Ms. Marvel. For standard 1 resource for 1 damage/thwart is my bare minimum so it meets that low bar, but making it a 4/2 or a 2/4 or even a 4/4 is kind of nice and gives you some flexibility.

Also you may notice that Energy Strength and Genius are missing. Outside of Falcon there aren't really any prohibitively expensive cards and honestly he's probably the easiest to cut. Digging Deep works nicely with Kamala Khan Teen Spirit to help with faster set up and The Power in All of Us easily powers most of this deck.


Jan 15, 2024 andyr · 9458

This was the first time I’ve played Ms. Marvel in Leadership, and it was a pleasure. Great deck! And even if Hit and Run is 3 cost, Embiggen! and Shrink made it feel so right at home!