I Got That Reference - A Dumb Captain America Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Elhannan · 288

Okay, let's get silly. In fact, let's just win - this is my first pass at a deck that I suspect will be one of the most powerful in the game: The Man Out of Time abusing Leadership aspect cards. Let's start by stating that Cap has one of the strongest base card sets in the game - solid damage and thwart, good control, high resilience and built-in bonus resources and discounts for allies. Cap is just good, and the Leadership aspect is just good, so let's design a deck to tear up the game as easily as possible.

Allies - all the Leadership favourites are here, though Agent 13 is of particular note in a deck with Make the Call - that's a lot of thwart, particularly if she starts the turn with 2 damage on her. Maria Hill can fuel Cap's ability in an efficient manner and, frankly, I could go on and on. The Leadership allies are universally good, use as needed. Also...

Avengers Assemble! - here we go. Never has a card needed to cost 4 so, so badly. If you haven't yet tried out this alpha-strike-in-a-box, go do it. With 3 Avenger allies in play this card is worth a minimum of 5 additional damage or thwart (1 per ally and 2 for Cap) and almost always more than that. It's utility cannot be understated - dividing up small sets of damage, splitting your allies between thwarting/attacking/readying to defend, piling all the damage on to one target, etc, etc, etc. And all of this is ignoring other Avenger heroes and their allies, and doesn't account for our next card:

Yes, all right, maybe I will marry Morale Boost. At it's weakest in this deck it's worth +1 defense and +2 total damage or thwart, and if it's good in Iron Man it is ridiculous when Cap gets hold of it. See if you can figure out how Avengers Assemble! and Morale Boost can combine to allow Cap a 22 - 26 damage turn. Let me repeat myself - that's not accounting for other Heroes and their allies, and it can be parceled out as needed and interchanged with thwarting and readying to defend.

Other cards: The Power of Leadership is much better than usual with this many high-cost cards, Get Ready - because if you're abusing allies, why stop? And...that's basically it. We leave out anything that isn't helping us towards the goal of using Cap N' Friends to overpower the villain, we ignore healing and buffs like Honorary Avenger because we want to cycle allies rather than keep them around. Quinjet is too slow and restrictive and we simply have better cards to take it's place.

So there we are - powerful, adaptive and resilient, off I go to throw this deck against Expert mode, and possibly eat my words. :P

EDIT - Yeah, I think kick out 2x Avengers Mansion for 2x Tenacity. That's just so much spike.


Jan 07, 2020 Rayleigh101 · 1

I'd recommended also looking at squeezing in a tenacity or two. Caps resource cards generate physical resources so this energised really well with big morale and Avengers assemble turns

Jan 07, 2020 KennedyHawk · 17973

For sure. @Rayleigh101 I’ve run a version similar to this recently with Tenacity. I’ve gotten 5 uses on a single morale boost once

Jan 07, 2020 Rayleigh101 · 1

Nice! Cap and leadership make a great combo. I've had some success with protection because of Indomitable which allows you to really play into the shield defending role. But Leadership is where he really shines!

Jan 07, 2020 Elhannan · 288

Hmmmmmm. I could be convinced by this. Avengers Mansion is likely to lose to any ally in hand, and Tenacity does keep the tempo of the deck up. Hmm.

Jan 07, 2020 Elhannan · 288

@Rayleigh101 - Protection is my other major build, Control Cap with all the stuns is kinda silly.

Jan 07, 2020 Rayleigh101 · 1

@Elhannan I played your deck a short while ago and it was really solid and good fun. The one thing I would say is that I found I had one too many Avengers Mansion it's a key combo card but I found I set myself up for one big turn or maybe two smaller turns. But I find I ran out of steam or needed to reset by the time I got to my third. So maybe that might be a possible cut? You'll likely cycle your deck almost once to get your set up down so pretty much guaranteed to have one ready by the end? Just a thought lol.

Jan 07, 2020 KennedyHawk · 17973

Yeah for sure check out my Pump It Up cap decklist and videos. Tenacity is a must. I also use strength in numbers to make sure I can play avengers assemble and lead from the front in the same turn