Rocket Racoon and the Immortal Guardians

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DamienTC · 13

Trying to transform a group of Guardian allies from chumb blockers to hardcore survivors with Shake it Off and Med Team.

When the sticky allies live to fight another day they even ready with Hangar Bay.

This gives Rocket the freedom to focus on damage through all his tech and even some aggressive thwarting with Bait and Switch.

For protection when doing this, I've added Forcefield Generator and Energy Barrier. The protection techs work perfectly with his alter-ego action and Repurpose.

As Groot should be able to survive most of the game, Flora and Fauna will be a strong card filling up and readying Rockets big guns.

The cost of most of the cards are only one, so every turn should have a decent amount of options for the player.

Have fun!