Great Tacos Come with Great Hot Sauce

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

HeroicSkeleton · 282

Deadpool is one of the best threat management heroes in the game. Between confusing the villain with Exhausting Personality, increasing the threat threshold with It Ain't Over..., and burst thwarting all that extra threat with "Yoo-Hoo!", he's already got a lot going for him. But we are going to take it to the next level.


This is a multiplayer focused deck. Stick It Ain't Over... on the main scheme. Manage the threat while building up acceleration tokens through dying and playing Exhausting Personality for the stun and confuse. Then play Exhausting Personality one last time when there are at least 10 acceleration tokens to draw 10+ cards and finish the game!


Top priorities are It Ain't Over.... Chimichanga Truck, and Moira MacTaggert. Secondary priorities are one of the side schemes, a Katana, Sense of Justice, Skilled Investigator, or Agent Coulson. You don't need Cable or Symbiote Suit till later.

In Depth Walkthrough

You want to be triggering Deadpool's hero ability EVERY turn, in order to get more acceleration tokens. Not only do you not mind having them, you actually want them. Think of it as part of our build phase, like growth counters on Groot. You will also be playing Exhausting Personality as much as you can for both the stun/confuse and additional counters.

Since you are using his hero ability each turn, you will both have access to alter ego, and will be flipping up into hero form every turn. This means you can trigger the alter ego ability, breaking the fourth wall every turn, and can trigger both Moira MacTaggert and Lay Down the Law easier than any other hero. The best choice for breaking the fourth wall will be Exhausting Personality, with "Yoo-Hoo!" being our second most common choice, and Maximum Effort as a potential option as well.

Whenever It Ain't Over... is on the main scheme, you are free to really rack up the acceleration tokens. Lay Down the Law and "Yoo-Hoo!" is enough to handle the threat, even after multiple Advances. Use Great Responsibility in step 1 of the villain phase when there are a lot of acceleration tokens to take it as damage instead.

After a few turns, you'll have at least 3 acceleration tokens, which will make Your Best Bud really strong. When there are around 10 acceleration tokens on the main scheme, and the villain is in the final phase, you should look to playing Exhausting Personality to draw a ton of cards. Ideally, you'll draw Symbiote Suit, Maximum Effort, and This Card is Fire to do around 40-50 damage! If you don't get the right cards, you'll have something to help stall till the next turn and try again!

Tips and Tricks

But why Coulson?

When playing Deadpool, you are completely invincible...until you aren't. Whether it's a surprise Concussive Blast, or Magneto with his annoying Metal Shards, these seemingly rare encounter cards that can kill Wade always seem to pop up. Spycraft will save you from becoming dead dead. Don't bother using it on anything that won't actually kill you.

Card swaps

  • Agent Coulson/Spycraft aren't necessary, they are just nice to have. If you wan't to play a more risky game, or prefer to count cards in the deck and play more conservatively, you can drop them.
  • I could see some people dropping the Genius. The cost curve is pretty low, and montage can be easily shuffled back into the deck with Mutant Education, but I have had good results with it in the deck to help pay for supports and upgrades.
  • Deadpool doesn't really need many allies, but some good options that I like to swap in here include Bishop, Blindfold, and Quake.

This deck can handle itself in expert, and can even carry games. You will have the threat locked down, control the villain, and can do massive late game damage. Stalwart hinders the deck a bit, but is still doable. Watch out for cards that can hit Wade in alter ego (general Deadpool advice, really)


May 18, 2024 n00bshooter · 1

Played this deck through Mojomania with my wife who played Vision as Leadership Viv Voltron and it was a blast! Deck felt felt super fun and SUPER strong.