Keep her alive

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wehehe · 136

The goal of this deck is to play Honey Badger as soon as possible, and keep her alive all the game.

While X-23 has the "x-force" trait, Honey Badger is an X-MEN, so she can get Protective Training AND X-Force Recruit, which increases her HP to 6. We can use Regenerative Longevity, Elixir and Med Team to heal her, and so,we'll have have a reliable way to use her Response almost each round.

Thanks to that, to her own response, and the ready effects on Repurpose and What Doesn't Kill Me, Laura Kinney Will do almost all the job. We'll defend almost every round, allowing her to ready if he takes damage. Energy Barrier helps a lot there, as they minimize damage against heavy hitters, while being fuel for Repurpose, same with Electrostatic Armor. The retaliate is great, but usually we'll have to use it if we need to play a repurpose.

Rockslide isn't really necessary, but it can be very interesting to keep him in play as a 3 attack ally. With 10 Hp if he gets a Protective Training and a X-Force Recruit