Wolverine meets the enemy head on.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

owl123 · 13

This is a more basic offensive Wolverine Heroic Face Stand deck. The core is centered around Berserker Frenzy, and trying to get ATK1 or ATK2 minions to engage with you on the hero side without clearing them out. Then rely on those minions to attack you every turn to draw cards. For the villain attacks, you can see the inclusion of eight low cost allies in this deck's library that can be made to resist the villain's damage. This basically ensures that Wolverine's own Self-Healing Factor effect will be used to counteract the damage that the minions shine on you. And the blood loss caused by Wolverine's Claws can be replenished by Endurance, Adamantium Skeleton and Regenerative Healing. It is very easy to hit overkill against most minions Wolverine, especially Lunging Strike, so that with Moment of Triumph you can have unexpected blood recovery. Additionally, allies can be used to give Wolverine steady protection against villain damage in addition to effectively pairing with Utopia to reorganize Wolverine, as with Adamantium Skeleton and Combat Training Wolverine becomes a monster with a base ATK of 4 and an attack with a pierce, which can be very rewarding to reorganize him. For the defuse end of things, Chase Them Down, Looking for Trouble is employed to take control of the main as well as branch conspiracies, and with his own Track by Scent, defuse is perfectly adequate for most scripts with a hero face stand. This set of Heroic Face Wolverine allows his blood to change back and forth, which is very exciting and immersive, and ends the game in late game when development is complete with his claws and his own panel for burst damage!