psylent and deadly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kurttheviking · 14

Working through play-testing a Psylocke/Aggression build. Seeking a lower-cost curve with flexibility and punch to be used primarily in solo play. I'm also considering adding...

Feedback welcome!

v3 Notes:

  • Removed Jarnbjorn -- too many restricted weapons that didn't prove useful enough to justify inclusion; also removed Side Holster -- I tend to either run one katana + one knife w/ psimitar or two katanas and psimitar is basically just a resource card; yes this leaves her exposed if the obligation is drawn, but i find the risk-return acceptable
  • Added 2x Mean Swing -- for cases where I want to amp up the punch a bit; this effectively turns a katana from +1 damage to +3 damage, which turns out to be very useful for chunky minions or making a final push on the villain
  • As a commenter suggested, I really want to add X-Gene but need to run that build through a few scenario tests first

v2 Notes:

  • Removed Moira; while Psylocke flips regularly, this build leans aggro and ramps quickly so the card draw benefit doesn't quite justify the cost...replaced with Jarnbjorn
  • Removed Telekinesis; just a bit too expensive relative to the damage output; better to have another Psi-Bow Attack