
Attack. Psionic.

Cost: 2.

Play only if your hero has the PSIONIC trait.

Hero Action (attack): Deal 4 damage to an enemy. This attack gains ranged.

Eduardo Mello
Psylocke #30.
Psi-Bow Attack

Doesn't seem that worth the cost at 2 for 4 damage. Worse in that it's trait locked to psionic making it even more less desirable. If it did six (maybe 5) damage or it it cost 1, then I'd seriously consider putting it into more psionic decks. Ranged isn't enough to push me over the edge because retaliate is rarely troublesome unless it gets greatly increased by some other effect.

DoxaLogos · 242
Possibly worthwhile in a deck where you are using Sharpshooter — adsarf · 516
But now you're spending another 2 for what will on average be 1 extra damage and may only pop a few times a game? Nah. Sharpshooter is better with heroes that can use ranged more frequently. — DoxaLogos · 242
The Resource of this card is MENTAL...not ENERGY... — A_Sirius · 45

Looking at this card in a vacuum, we may say it feels like it lacks a bit of punch for the cost. In practice though, it does the job. This card needs to be evaluated in the context of the psionic trait because that's a constraint of the card anyway.

From an economic standpoint, it allows us to use Team-Building Exercise, Martial Prowess, and all the other discounts like Helicarrier. It can also be paid by Power of the Mind.

Even if we gauge its value at full price, the most important for damage is mostly to look at the ceilings it can cross, more than pure ER / damage ratio. As of the end of the mutant cycle, we had around 300 non-nemesis minion cards with 4 or less hit points. This card can one shot about 70% of minions for 3ER, without any requirement. Then if you add Psimitar, which works almost like a dedicated spreadable Honed Technique for this card - it reaches 90%. And you can cumulate both Honed technique and Psimitar for an awesome 2 costed, 8 splittable damage with ranged, which puts swinging web kick to shame. Don't sleep on this.

batman · 29