No Rest for the Wicked

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Poor Nebula always in the shadow of her sister. Sadly this leadership keeps to that truth. The next in my off meta hero aspect focus is this Gamora/Leadership deck that focuses on stunning/confusing the villain.

The idea behind this deck is simple get Nebula out as fast as possible, use her to fetch either Concussive Blow or Tackle then keep her on the bouncing in and out of play with Make the Call Rapid Response and Med Lab to get those events.

First step is important/easy, that is get Nebula out as quick as possible. Call for Aid and Black Panther are there to help with that if you don't get her in your opening hand. Call Black Panther and hopefully discard a Make the Call, Nebula, and Digging Deep to pay for her. Attach Make the Call from your discard to Black Panther and then use Digging Deep to pay for Nebula. Even if you don't discard her you're that much closer to her.

Okay now Nebula is in play the goal is to keep her in play. Make the Call and Rapid Response are there if you need to chump with her but if you can get into a good rhythm, you'll lock down the villain and will most likely discard her because of consequential damage where Med Lab will step in. If it gets to the point you are unable to dig them out of your deck, just use Call for Aid for a quicker/instant deck cycle.

Despite having the worst art in the game, Conditioning Room is also a pretty important card. You may not get to choose the card you want, but it allows you to fetch Tackle and Concussive Blow from the discard where Nebula can't touch. So don't hesitate to use it on a turn where you flip down even though you won't get to play the event, you just want to get one event closer to a Concussive Blow or a Tackle. Even if you're just going to discard it at the end of the round always use it when you can.

I've had a Gamora lockdown deck in mind for a while now just never built one. Gamora is such a versatile character that if Dr. Strange and Spider-Ham weren't in the game I'd argue she is S tier. Sadly they are but she is an easy A tier. Even if you can't hit the kicker, but that should be a problem with Keen Instincts, you'll still stun/confuse the villain and remove 1 threat. Obviously this deck loses some impact against steady/stalwart enemies and is especially vulnerable to Shadow of the Past but I've still found it incredibly reliable. I've gone multiple games where she has only been hit once at most which just got more out of Conditioning Room.


Sep 17, 2023 josseroo · 702

Very fun deck. I typically find 3x Rapid Response to feel like a bit of overkill. I could imagine swapping one of them out for White Fox, but with Call for Aid being your only discard effect, she may not be worth it