Black Widow V TaskMaster for GetUpandGame!PerfectMatchUp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aoshi312 · 1295

Hi welcome to the twenty second in a series of decks I plan to build directly influenced by the amazing Get Up and Game! Perfect Match-Up series found here: Please check out the channel and the video since I thought it was an amazing gift to the community and it inspired me to start playing Champions more regularly.

My goal with this series is to create a unique deck inspired by each challenge match-up in the video using all the suggested cards plus some of my own to create a deck that any player can use to check out the challenge. If you’re missing some cards from a deck please ask in the comments and I’ll do my best to find replacements from your collection so that you can have fun too! Hopefully I can build a deck that can beat the villain on both standard and expert. I’ll try to document any tweaks I made while playing the deck too.

Next up we have a classic and a bit of a breather with Black Widow going up against her nemesis Task Master. One of my favorite easy pairings is Task Master against a justice deck with One Way or Another since you're all but guaranteed to find and rescue the various allies as intended in the scenario and the high threat limit on the main scheme means you can also flip to alter-ego regularly. Needless to say this deck was able to defeat this scenario once on Standard and twice on Expert in quick succession but I had a lot of fun while doing it.

This is your standard Black Widow/Shield combo utilizing Monica Chang, Surveillance Team, Global Logistics and Homeland Intervention to take over the game completely. You will not fear threat. You also have plenty of back up with Government Liaison, Helicarrier, Quincarrier, and Sky-Destroyer. Your allies will help you stun, confuse and chump block your way to victory. Black Widows kit also provides ways for you to deal with encounter cards, minions and boost cards! Take your time, flip down when you need to and you should have no issues.

One final tip: Quincarrier is great for activating the enters play abilities on your various rescued allies.