Phoenix Unfettered

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 393

The strategy here is to become unrestrained in four rounds, stay that way, and avoid the Dark Phoenix. Basically, spies are babysitting to make sure Phoenix doesn't throw a fit and consume the planet in fire.

Mulligan for a spy and Spycraft. X-Gene is also great, but you could draw a Shadow of the Past in the first turn, so hurry. You should try to always leave a spy in play in case you draw a Spycraft.

Use Mutant Education to reuse her events over and over while unleashed. If your HP are low, grab Telekinetic Shield and Telepathic Trickery. If you have a high minion encounter deck, Psychic Blast , Telekinetic Attack and Mental Paralysis are all good.

Also use Global Logistics to get rid of Shadow of the Past and Phoenix's obligation card. Once you've seen them in the encounter deck, you can use this card to make the villain phase easier. Blindfold also helps with this.

Thanks to Dragul for helping with this deck. Even with Mutant Education, she needed more events.



Mar 23, 2023 Dragul · 14

Even better now. Nevertheless, I would still think of dropping Global Logistics, since you have allready 3 copies of Spycraft in. Or try with 2/2. And I am still a big fan of Psychic Manipulation, although I have to admit, it is very situational and perhaps better in multiplayer. And I agree that I think compared to the mystics she seems a bit underpowered, especially thinking of the big minus of the dark phoenix / burning hunger threat.

Mar 24, 2023 Stretch · 393

Thanks again, Dragul. I suppose I'm paranoid of the Dark Phoenix. Psychic Manipulation is so fun, but expensive. I have a statistics background but I know her stats aren't good. A lot of my desire for her is to succeed and align with a Phoenix comic story. She deserves to be pushed off for being OP, not boring. I've already had a lot of fun with Just and Prot decks, but I'm betting her deck fun only expands if more psychic cards come out.