Scarlet Witch takes on all comers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RagnotGreymane · 45

Scarlet Witch has turned into an all out killer. She has decided to go all out and defeat everyone and everything as quickly as possible.

This deck has events designed to cover all bases be it thwarting, damaging the Villain and defeating minions of various sizes.

If you need to hit the Villain hard use Browbeat to do as much damage as possible, if you are getting swapped by minions "Bring It!" will let you draw extra cards and then Toe to Toe can be used to defeat them as most minions do not hit very hard and then as you defeat them Toe to Toe then play Chase Them Down to remove some threat for free. Depending on which Villain you are against you could swap in Relentless Assault. If you are facing a particularly strong minion use Spider-Girl to Stun and Confuse them. Allow She-Hulk to get hit and then she can hit back for maximum damage.

Then finally use Spiritual Meditation to give you a greater chance of finding the Aggression cards you need.


Feb 20, 2023 Stretch · 424

This looks like fun. Instead of Combat Training, I would probably add another ally or grab Team Training since you have two 4-cost Avengers. I forgot about Browbeat; what a great card! You have too many low cost events for The Power of Aggressions, but I suppose it helps get your allies out, and having 0-cost events will get played. I also like that this isn't minion- or honed tech-focused like most of my builds, but rather balanced.

Feb 20, 2023 Stretch · 424

Oops, Team-Building Exercise not Team Training. Gonna try your deck tonight without any changes though.