Decked Halls 2022: Day 6 - Thwartless Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17719

This is the deck 6 of 12 for the 2022 MCM Decked Halls tradition. This year Kennedy is building 12 decks with one collection so you can build these decks and just enjoy some games with family and friends instead of stressing over deck builds this Holiday season. Happy Holidays!

Premise: Build a justice deck that prevents, mitigates, and removes threat without thwarting. Confused yet? Who care's about being confused - not you!

Recommended Heroes:


All the X-Men Ever

Change -1 Concussive Blow +1 Weapon X

Ms. Marvel, Miles, Wasp - Optimal use of Global Logistics on player decks as you shuffle cards back in and seed your deck.
