Interstellar Bebop

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Monica Honed her Aggression 2 2 0 1.0

dr00 · 40134

nebulaWait, she has hair?

big shot'Oi, amigos, for the 300,000,000,000,000,002 bounty hunters in the galaxy, how y'all doin'?'
Punch'I'm Punch...'
Judy'...and I'm judy! Once again, it's time for Big Shot! Here's today's bounty news for all your cowboys out there! Looks like there's some rootin' tootin' good bounties from our local source Angela who's just been Looking for Trouble in all the wrong places, hasn't she?'
'Right you are, Judy! The bounties for these are sky high! You'll get damage, you'll thwart, and you'll draw a whole heap o' cards!'
'Wow, Punch! That sounds amazin' How d'ya do that?'
'Well it's simple! The best cowboys hone their technique, follow through with their plans, and show no quarter to their marks. Jump into the fray and get down and dirty y'all!'

I just can't stop making decks with Honed Technique and No Quarter. It's like a sickness, and the only prescription... is more cowbell honed techniques and even fewer quarters.

So the plan is easy. Just search for bounties with Angela and Looking for Trouble. Mark your targets for Overkill. Utilise a Honed Technique, Cutthroat Ambition, and Follow Through with your attacks for maximum efficiency.

  • Into the Fray: What's better than dealing 6 damage to a minion and removing threat from the main scheme for each excess damage? Dealing 12-14 damage to a minion, removing threat from the main scheme for each excess damage, and dealing damage to the villain for each excess damage.

  • No Quarter: What's better than dealing 4 damage to a minion and drawing a card for each excess damage? Dealing 9-11 damage to a minion, drawing a card for each excess damage, and dealing damage to the villain for each excess damage.

With a combination of Honed Technique, Follow Through, and Aggressive Energy, you can increase the damage of Into the Fray and No Quarter.

With Marked and/or Cutthroat Ambition, you can give all attacks against your mark (or of your attacks) Overkill. You can achieve a level of brutal efficiency unobtainable to even the best of bounty hunters.


If you find yourself in trouble, you have a few tools to help you. Moment of Triumph can help you to heal any damage you have sustained.

"Bring It!", No Quarter, and Hall of Heroes can help accelerate your deck. Nebula's Ship and Martial Prowess can help pay for your cards. The deck also has exactly 25 Aggression and 15 identity-specific cards to ensure that No Quarter will always grab you what you need. Energy, Genius, and Strength are less useful here as few non-Aggression cards cost more than 1, so The Power of Aggression is ideal here. Aggressive Energy additionally helps to add damage to your attack events.

If you find yourself needing more, here are a few basic cards (other than the basic double resources) that could help: Daughters of Thanos for some extra card draw, Crew Quarters for some extra healing since you'll likely be flipping a lot, and Professor X to help smooth out flipping to Alter-Ego. Symbiote Suit as always can help provide you with some more survivability, help gather more bounties, and increase your stats, but you won't be readying a lot and likely won't be able to fully capitalise on those stat boosts to justify the immense cost. Ultimately though, I prefer having more red in the deck so you can just keep drawing with No Quarter.

judy shocked'Wow, that's surely impressive! Better head on down thar t'see if you can catch 'm! See you, space cowboy...'


Oct 10, 2022 KakitaJamie · 307

This is probably my favorite version of the Honed Technique/No Quarter deck. Nebula having Cutthroat Ambition takes the most advantage of the excess damage. Also love the fact that all of the deck is Aggression or Hero. Aggressive Energy is such a small but great addition to this archetype.

There are just so many cards I want to have in this deck but it's tough to find any wiggle room: Second Honed Technique - to get it online more consistently.

Daughters of Thanos - Probably if I was playing with a Gamora player only.

Wolverine and/or Bug - With so many minions coming out and so little space, having Aggression allies that last a while and help chip away at minions to get more excess damage seems great. The Fist on Wolverine is at least helpful for getting No Quarters requirement. The Energy on Bug though isn't helpful to the build. There may also be better options that I was too lazy to look up.

Genius and Strength - Nice but as you said not necessary and dilutes No Quarter.

I think it's a testament to the build that you made the hard cuts to make a streamlined deck. Awesome build.

Oct 10, 2022 dr00 · 40134

@KakitaJamie thanks for your comment! i really appreciate it. yeah, they were definitely some hard cuts! i agree about Daughters of Thanos. would definitely add it in when playing with a gamora player since it's always playable and unlike some of the other team-up cards, it doesn't require either identity to be in a particular form or not.

actually a lot of iterations had 2 Honed Technique. i agree it's a really important card and thankfully extra copies can be spent to satisfy its triggering condition. i think when the Wolverine pack comes out, i'll replace Follow Through with the new Warrior Skill (just 2 copies) and go to 2 Honed Technique. as for Genius and Strength, i just kept discarding them lol, but early game they definitely help with setup, so it's probably worth it

i hadn't tried Wolverine, but i did have Bug. i eventually took him out to make room for other things, but in a multiplayer game where more enemies can show up, you don't need as much stuff like Looking for Trouble. you also probably wouldn't need as much healing if you have some chump blockers, so Moment of Triumph could go (it's the same resource as Bug). as for healing, i did have Crew Quarters for a while, but again, kept discarding it lol. i do want to try going to 50 cards to see if the loss of consistency in setting up is worth it for the increased consistency of No Quarter. it seems there's plenty of room to add extra copies of things like Honed Technique and fit in a few basic cards without changing the ratios too much.

Oct 11, 2022 KakitaJamie · 307

@dr00 was thinking a little more on this deck last night as I was trying to plan a Honed Technique Spectrum deck. I cut Into the Fray entirely, now granted that was for Dive Bomb which Nebula can't play. I went with 2 Dive Bomb and 1 extra Honed Technique. My thinking was Looking for Trouble is going to keep the Main Scheme in check. Spectrum will likely want to be in Photon to allow Energy Duplication to produce Mental. Therefore Spectrum can just scheme if needed. Long story to get to the point, Nebula is a 2 THW and she can probably keep schemes in check along with Looking for Trouble & Cutthroat Ambition. Perhaps Into the Fray is the flex spot to fit the extra Honed Technique.

Good call on Warrior Skill over Follow Through, its way more versatile at the cost of having counters. I didn't pay attention on the spoilers enough to see that.

Oct 12, 2022 dr00 · 40134

That's a very good point. I think Into the Fray just generally being more expensive anyway lends itself to overlapping a bit with Looking for Trouble. i must admit that for a lot of games, i don't go for the 'full combo' lol. i find that Into the Fray rarely does 10 threat removed along with 10 damage to the villain (just really fun when it does).

i really love it in Spectrum and other aerial heroes. i did something similar with Nova, and i think Captain Marvel could be another great hero that uses this (needing a lot of specific resources, but thankfully there's some overlap, and Into the Fray and Moment of Triumph can be spent on other things)

thanks for your perspective. it's definitely given me something to consider

Oct 25, 2022 namor · 43

sorry for a dumb rulings question on such a great deck but does no quarter keep discarding after you discard the deck? do you just keep discarding (effectively) drawing from the reshuffle deck like you would if it said draw instead of discard?

Nov 25, 2022 dr00 · 40134

@namor hey, no worries! actually when you play No Quarter and have fewer cards remaining in your deck (e.g. you have 2 cards left and would discard 4), you only discard what's left in your deck, add any red cards to your hand, but then nothing else. here's the relevant ruling:

• If the player’s deck empties and reshuffles while the player was drawing cards, the player continues to draw cards up to the specified number.

• If the player’s deck empties while the player was discarding cards from their deck, no further cards are discarded from the newly shuffled deck.

Jan 07, 2023 MrMimigma · 2112

All in all a nice deck @dr00, i try to use fewer decks with honed but yeah, too good card. Like yout thematic deck and description.

Jan 07, 2023 MrMimigma · 2112

Before i forgot it, Warrior skill is a nice complement in my own honed decks.

May 26, 2023 dr00 · 40134

@MrMimigma yes, Warrior Skill is such a great option, especially for getting to excess damage so you can trigger Follow Through. glad you've enjoyed it!