The X-Men Tutor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Cyclops 0 0 0 1.0
Cyclops 0 0 0 2.0
Cyclops - ULTIMATE! 0 0 0 1.0
Cyclops - ULTIMATE! 0 0 0 2.0
Team X-Men 0 0 0 1.0
Bíclope 0 0 0 1.0
The X-Men Tutor 0 0 0 1.0

teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

Important Note: This deck only contains 31 cards as you are to pick 9 X-Men allies of your choosing to fill out the deck. This will give a total of 10 X-Men with Phoenix for the final deck

The main goal of this deck is to place a Honorary X-Men on Cyclops so that he has the X-Men tag while in Alter-Ego. Then using Cerebro (ideally with a Psionic ally in play), search your deck and find the ally you want. Finally, play that ally with Sneak Attack or Meditation and then add Danger Room Training.

If the ally is put into play using Sneak Attack, with Danger Room Training applied, the ally will get their entering play ability plus one basic attack or thwart at +1. If you can play a second one, Utopia will ready the first for a second activation.

If the ally is put into play using Meditation, you can still add Danger Room Training, but the ally can remaining in play, possibly forever by healing with X-Mansion. This is a great target for Phoenix or Blindfold as they'll be 3 THW for the rest of the game and be your permanent Psionic character.

It's quite reasonable to remain in Alter-Ego for nearly the entire game here, as both Psylocke and Professor X are able to confuse the villain. Remaining in AE gives you access to 8 cards per turn as well, with Cerebro drawing you an ally, plus Cyclops' ability to pull a Tactic. You'll go through your deck at least every 5 turns, likely 4 turns, so this will nearly confuse-lock the villain.

However, there are some advantages of turning to hero form. One is the ability to trigger a Rapid Response on an ally. Psylocke is likely the best choice to get more villain confuse on the table. Another is to play Tactical Brillance which allows you to pull back a Tactic --- Sneak Attack being the likely choice.

In my opinion, this is the quintessential build for playing with the entire X-Men team as you can choose your cast of 10 X-Men to play with. Most turns you'll be able to play one from hand and tutor another with Cerebro so they'll be doing a lot of work.

Hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I do! Until next time Champions...


Oct 01, 2022 dr00 · 43651

This is great! With To Me, My X-Men! from Storm, it'll be even better! can't wait for that

Oct 01, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

Thanks @dr00! I believe Cyclops is only going to get better and better as more X-Men allies join the card pool. I think he's going to hit the table a lot

Oct 02, 2022 ematlosz · 1

This looks really fun. Will be trying it tomorrow.

Oct 02, 2022 tudarius · 1

Oh wow! Never thought to use Honorary X-men this way. Job well done and can’t wait to try this one out. With this build Cyclops will only get better as each new X-men ally comes out.

Oct 02, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@tudarius Thanks for the kind words! That's why I chose to post this as an incomplete decklist and leave the X-Men allies off with only the 31 cards posted. Whenever a new one is released, I'm convinced that Cyclops will be to X-Men allies as Ms. Marvel is to Events

Oct 03, 2022 cindar92 · 1

This was a very fun deck. Took out expert Goblin today. Attacked him for two to flip him to next stage. Used an exploit weakness on him. All allies attacked and then I full optic blasted through a Goblin Soldier to finish him off. So fun.

Oct 04, 2022 InigoMontoya · 4444

@teamcanadahockey2002 Love this! Was there any thought to having it be 8 X-Men allies and Maria Hill? Field Commander + Rapid Response would be cards for everyone two turns in a row.

Oct 05, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

Hey @InigoMontoya! Haven't chatted with you in a while! Can't wait to see what decks you've been tinkering with recently :)

Anyways, so I built this deck purposefully without putting in all 40 cards so that the core is there and people can add the extras that they want. I wanted to try this and see if having only 31 cards puts people off. So far, doesn't seem to be...

I don't see any reason why adding in a Maria Hill wouldn't work... seems like a good idea. She's a super great ally in blue and is always worth considering.

Personally, if I were running a 3/4P game, I may just change the entire concept of the deck and really lean into getting cards for the table over again. I guess that would mean playing Make The Call, Rapid Response, Regroup and anything else that gets her into play over and over again. I may even include Call For Aid to play with 0 Avenger allies, just to cycle my deck to get Rapid Response back into play so Cyclops can go get it with his alter-ego ability.

Thing is, as soon as I start leaning into that idea, this isn't that deck anymore since now Cerebro, Meditation and Sneak Attack aren't really being used anymore. It's a great add, and I'm sure will work very well.

Oct 05, 2022 Telcontar · 463

I've never liked decks where the whole thing hinges on one card, and this is no exception, I'm afraid.

Oct 05, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@Telcontar Which one: Cerebro or Honorary Xmen? ;)

Oct 05, 2022 flashburn · 1

No Resource cards?

Oct 05, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

You could if you wanted to.

I prefer Meditation ×3 personally because you already want to play your allies in AE for Danger Room and Cyclops attacks with his Visor. I usually chump block the allies so he also doesnt defend much. I've found the exhaust from Meditation to generally be best use of his basic action myself. If your playstyle is otherwise, I would just change those out for the doubles.

I played this last night and added a single copy of Band Together for Beast to pull. It's pretty sweet to play Beast using Meditation, pull Band Together and then play another ally I got from Cerebro using the triple resource, readying Beast for another swing with Utopia and then having him block for me when I flipped up.

Oct 06, 2022 flashburn · 1

Awesome, thanks for breaking it down for me. Sounds really fun. Can't wait to try it.

Oct 06, 2022 Felix0110 · 1

Tried with this deck. i updated with few cards Rapid Response -> Uncanny x-men (future cards) 1 sneak attack -> band together

Few core X-men needs

Beast -> get band together

Forge -> get danger room/The X-Jet/Utopia (as there are 9 x-men celebro is only as my resource generator)

Polasris -> tough cards for hero form

Colossus -> tough cards for hero form

Wolverine -> main damager

BlindFold -> main thwarter

Psylocke -> confuse lock

Professor X -> confuse lock/blocker/thwart remover

The last I am still thinking for Pixie or Storm

Oct 06, 2022 Jargon · 1

What does Honorary X-Men do for this deck besides letting you use X-Jet in AE?

Oct 06, 2022 Felix0110 · 1

@Jargon X-Jet needs identity has X-MEN trait and Honorary X-men adding X-MEN trait to Cyclops even in AE form

Oct 06, 2022 Jargon · 1

@Felix0110 Yes, but the question still remains the same. Is that the only thing Honorary X-Men does for this deck?

If the/a main goal of the deck is to play that one card (Honorary X-Men) as stated in the deck description, I feel like I’m missing something if all that one card does is get that extra resource in AE.

And if it is one of the two most important pieces of the deck, why only have one copy?

This deck is very cool, I just feel like I am missing why Honorary X-Men is so vital

Oct 06, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@Jargon Honorary X-Men is important so you can Sneak Attack in AlterEgo. You dont get the free upgrade if you arent AE, but you need a matching trait. Then you can put Danger Room Training on that ally for an extra +1 for free if Danger room is active.

(The ally is going away at the end of the phase but this gives another +1 stat here and you can ready with Utopia if you play another ally afterwards like with Meditation)

Oct 06, 2022 TannyStork · 1

Everyone keeps mentioning Psylocke. I can't find that character. Which set does she come with?

Oct 06, 2022 Jargon · 1

@teamcanadahockey2002 Ah, that makes sense! I knew I was missing something. Looking forward to giving it a go. Thank you!

Oct 07, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@TannyStork Psylocke will be come with the Wolverine pack. It has been revealed already... essentiallu Iron Fist in aggression, but with confuse.

Oct 09, 2022 Sentinel851 · 1

How well do we think adding Team Building Exercise would go? It needs Hero mode, but it helps get out all of the x men, plus the danger room, x jet, and so on, which means that for a 2 cost upgrade (also acts as sac fodder for villain cards), we can potentially get a discount every turn for 20 turns.

I always feel bad about running a deck built for AE, because it feels like I'm just cheesing mechanics, rather than fighting a villain as a hero.

Oct 09, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@Sentinel851 I can understand that feeling.... there are a lot of players who prefer hero form, and I totally respect that playstyle. Myself, I love building decks that can let you go to Alter-Ego more often because I think it's thematic for the heroes to have to deal with their normal everyday lives. Cyclops has a rich backstory of being that Field Commander who is running the operations as the 'man with a plan' - he was headmaster for Xavier's school and a skilled tactician, so I think it's super thematic to have him lean into those attributes as Scott Summers as he prepares his team of X-Men. In the same way, I love being Peter Parker to go get a fresh meal from Aunt May and then use my genius ability to go make my Web Shooters. Anyways, that's just me though... I can also respect those who think differently.

If you're asking for my opinion, for this particular deck and strategy, I don't think it will play well using TBE... the entire premise is putting the X-Men allies into play from the AE side. If you want to stay in hero form more, then you should probably also remove Meditation, Cerebro, Honorary X-Men, Danger Room and X-Mansion, which is 7 cards, most of which are involved in the core strategy.

I'm sure there's a really good deck out there that could lean into TBE, but think there would need to be too many alterations that the deck won't look much like this one anymore. Cheers!

Oct 12, 2022 Shaunraptor · 1

Any thoughts on adding game time?

Oct 12, 2022 Shaunraptor · 1

Disregard my last comment forgot game time was hero only

Oct 16, 2022 Philip · 1

At this point this deck has space issues hahaha.

You need to include Uncanny X-men to get the reduction and then since you are perma AE for me Mutant education is a must. It gets you back in the deck all the tactics and Phoenix to search them again and draws you 1.

My only issue is that now days many villains (and especially in the X-men campaign ) have steady or stalwart... So if you play on expert (I wont mention expert II) how consistent is the confuse :/

Oct 17, 2022 MalleWHAT · 1

Isn’t Sneak Attack replaced by To me my X-Men when it’s released?

Oct 20, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@MalleWHAT It totally could be. I think it depends on playstyle. I want to play allies in AlterEgo to get the free upgrade on them from Danger Room. So then Sneak Attack works there and is a guaranteed play with Cerebro and a Psionic ally in play.

To Me My Xmen will absolutely work, but ai imagine I would be taking out Meditation for sure, and some of the other Alter-Ego cards as I'd be expecting to play my allies on the hero side a little more often.

I really like how Danger Room Training pulls from deck or discard pile personally... I find that a fun mechanice so I enjoy trying ro get that on my allies as much as possible and if they leave play, I dont mind losing their Upgrade because I'll just attach it to the new ally the next turn. Anyways, thats my playstyle but I totally understand those who stay Hero more often too.

Oct 20, 2022 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@Philip Oh man Mutant Education TOTALLY fits here. Just dont know what to cut... maybe if I plan on shoving Jean back in my deck regularly I could go with less allies... that would be interesting actually. Use Blindfold as the permanent Psionic ally, and everytime you see Mutant Education, shuffle Jean back in and pull her with Cerebro to play again immediately. You could then also pull a Cyclops card too so thats a really cool combo.

Without testing, my gut tells me I'd probably drop X Jet and Rapid Response and 1 ally...

May 01, 2023 Matafer · 15

Big fan of this deck!

May 14, 2023 alcee · 7

So by making your alter-ego an Honorary X-men your alter-ego now has more HP than your hero form? Do you use a separate HP dial to track your alter-ego HP? Is cyclops schizophrenic? Am I misunderstanding something? Was this card intended to be played this way? Does this not defeat the whole purpose of having different forms?